What does HackerNews think of terminal?

The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!

Language: C++

#3 in Terminal
I suppose the writer will have to wait a few more years before apple 'reinvents' the touch screen and convinces everyone they invented the touchscreen laptop. Notice how just about every other manufacture has a touch screen offering. The same was true for DVD writers back when apple called it the super drive. Many devices on the market came with DVD writers.

The ipad pro as great as it is, will not replace a Macbook. Sure it can do similar things, but for professionals who only need one app and email for work or for grandmas that don't need much it certainly can be the only device. But it cannot do everything that a laptop can do and that's why most people need both a (tablet and a computer)

The surface pro devices are on their 9th generation. This is what you want if you want to travel with a tablet only experience that you are able to do laptop stuff with. Sure the tablet experience is miserable but tolerable. The only things mac users are missing is IOS/MacOS. Which I admit is a big miss. Let's be honest, the Mac OS is great it's always been the hardware that has been lacking in other areas. But the surface device is a full blown computer that runs a full desktop OS and can virtualize others. If your workflow allows for a windows device,and if you like learning and trying new stuff, you will most likely enjoy your experience. Otherwise you will be as miserable as a die hard windows user who is angry that CTRL+V is CMD+V. If devtools are the only thing keeping you with macOS then you owe it to yourself to checkout WSL[1] and the new windows terminal app[2].

[1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install

[2] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Windows Terminal is probably your best bet if you want a clean default


The impression I got from reading through some of the Windows Terminal[0] issues/release notes, is that

It's understandable that it's much slower and more challenging to make changes to functionality that's become part of Windows core.

If something in PowerToys turns out to be a bad idea, it can be removed. It's much harder to justify that when it's been baked into the OS.

[0] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

The new terminal, and more importantly conhost [0] are open sourced, that's why I believe some day far in the future it will happen.

[0] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Some day, I think the Windows source will be public, at least for reference purposes.

They already have one open source part I know of, the new conhost[0].

[0] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

I've done lots of dev on both linux and Windows. Neither is "better" IMHO. I started on Linux, but today my main work and personal systems are both Win10. I also have a persoanl Linux laptop I use sometimes (currently Pop_OS, because I felt like trying that).

There's certain things easier on one or the other, usually caused by silly hardcoding of paths (or other OS-specific assumptions). I've run into this with python packages on Windows for sure.

My Windows dev is mostly limited to .net, and I've been writing cross-platform for years (first via Mono, now .net core / .net 6). Most challenges with cross-platform .net are caused by hardcoding Windows-specific paths and backslash (vs using Environment.* and Path.Combine()), and secondarily by using win32-specific things (eg: registry).

Tip for Windows dev use: install Windows Terminal [1], scoop [2], oh-my-posh [3], and busybox [4]. Makes the cli so much more usable, at least for someone like me with linux CLI muscle memory (ls, grep, etc).

I've found the combo of busybox utils and PowerShell is very productive. I nearly always have at least a couple terminal tabs open, and I'm nearly 50/50 of whether I use cli or explorer to browse or operate on files.

[1] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

[2] https://scoop.sh/

[3] https://ohmyposh.dev/

[4] https://scoop.sh/#/apps?q=busybox&s=0&d=1&o=true

I will say, looking through the Windows Terminal GH repo, their whole page seems unnecessarily curt in tone:

>I built and ran the new Terminal, but it looks just like the old console

>Cause: You're launching the incorrect solution in Visual Studio.

I realize that comforting language isn't a priority for a lot of devs/documentation writers, but it's always good to keep in mind that we are dealing with other people reading our docs and we should take the time to care of each other with our language.


God, please don't use Hyper, it's literally a terminal built with Electron, possibly the slowest practical way to implement a terminal.

If you're on macOS or Linux, use the built in terminal. If you're on Windows, use Windows Terminal [0], the new one, not cmd prompt.

[0] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Microsoft open sourced their terminal components a little while ago https://github.com/microsoft/terminal The team at Microsoft managing this are super responsive on Twitter https://twitter.com/DHowett https://twitter.com/cinnamon_msft
fyi Windows Terminal is open-source and has 82k github stars


Honestly, I would have just stayed with Windows 7, if not for Windows Terminal [1]. The Unicode support and ANSI escape code support is a big improvement. However I was not eager to upgrade, as people reported over and over all the privacy and telemetry issues. I have turned off all Windows Updates, and ideally I wont be upgrading Windows for a long, long time.

1. https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Isn't the new Windows Terminal app open source?


Microsoft is a completely different company than it was even just 5 or 10 years ago. Saying that MS is an enemy of open source is uninformed at best and idiotic at worse.

Do me a favor, look at Facebook [1], Apple [2], Amazon [3], Netflix [4] and Google [5]. Now tell me which one has more Open Source repos than MS [6]. I'll give you a hint... none of them. Sure, volume of open source repos may not be the best metric, but to say in 2021 they are enemies of open source with almost 4k open source repos is just dumb.

Hell, even the new MS terminal [7] is open source. They realized that FOSS isn't the enemy and is actually good for the tech industry at large.

[1] https://github.com/facebook [2] https://github.com/apple [3] https://github.com/amzn [4] https://github.com/Netflix [5] https://github.com/google [6] https://github.com/microsoft [7] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

No experience with Conemu and WSL, but Windows Terminal [1] provides smooth experience.

WSL2 has a completely new approach than WSL1, so compatibility is better.

[1] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Microsoft themselves are making some progress improving / consolidating the cmd.exe shell and Powershell. it's named Windows Terminal and actively being developed on https://github.com/microsoft/terminal
My team shipped the next generation (after ANSI.SYS) of VT support with the first release of Windows 10 back in 2015. We keep adding things to it, trying to make sure we stay compatible with Xterm. It really is a different landscape now :)

The console subsystem is open-source at https://github.com/microsoft/terminal. Feel free to file bugs, complain, or what have you. That’s what we’re here for!

To quote GP, “better late than never, I hope”.

Windows Terminal is great. https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Just missing a Quake mode for me (summon from a screen edge with a keyboard shortcut), but that's being talked about for v2. https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/653

Windows Terminal is made by the same guys working on WSL and works pretty well: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

You can get it via the Microsoft Store and it comes with support for connecting to WSL, Powershell, and cmd.exe out of the box.

Have you given Windows Terminal a try? It's in the store. https://github.com/microsoft/terminal
Hi. PM on Windows Command-Line here.

The Console/Terminal team first took-ownership of the Console & Cmd codebases in late 2014, so it's been ~5.5 years.

Until v. recently, the team averaged ~2.5 devs and 0.5 PM (I had to split my time across Console and WSL).

Since spring 2019 when we began the effort to build Windows Terminal, we've grown the team to 4 devs and 1.25 PM (I am now the .25 since Terminal now has a dedicated PM).

During this time, we have shipped improvements to Console in every release of Win10, including transparent background, VT, 24-bit color, and many perf, stability, etc. fixes. But we can only do so much to the Console before we start to break users' existing systems, apps, and tools.

Since Console & Cmd's key responsibility is backward compat, we're pretty much leaving them alone.

But we're plowing ENORMOUS effort into building Windows Terminal which is shaping-up nicely for its v1.0 release this summer. Please give it a try and if you find problems, find/file issues in the github repo because, yes, Windows Terminal and Console are open-source!

Repo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Would you mind reporting this on our public tracker[1]? We absolutely do not expect there to be any outgoing connections unless you explicitly request them. Everything we're shipping is something visible in our public source, so you don't need to take my comment at face value.

[1] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Has anyone tried the new official terminal? [0]/[1]

It looks rather interesting, if still in prerelease. (also, there's a trailer for it on YouTube - so weird [2])

0: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

1: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/windows-terminal-preview/9...

2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gw0rXPMMPE

I haven't tried it myself, but there's the new Windows Terminal if you aren't aware of it.


There's a lack of financial incentive to build TUI apps. It's a niche. It's awesome for power users: no lag, all keyboard driven, raw structured data. But businesses buy slack / trello / salesforce for swathes of people. That sort of thing doesn't happen if the following is simply limited to programmers / power users (and a cross section of those at that)

I haven't seen any C++11+ wrappers for ncurses... until, recently: https://github.com/clangen/cursespp, https://github.com/Praetonus/Ncursescpp strange license.

There are people who are on the forefront of terminal tech, examples are stuff by https://github.com/saitoha, https://github.com/mitotic/graphterm

There is hyper: https://hyper.is/ It works on windows. But by then, you potentially have the lag time most terminal users want to bypass.

For windows, maybe https://github.com/microsoft/terminal will encourage more terminal innovation by bsd/linux -> windows crossovers.

On Linux, try this: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/

I wrote a book on tmux that briefly touches terminal stuff. I still get confused when terminals are miscolored and emit junk characters. There's a lot more going on behind a terminal than meets the eye: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX_terminal_interface#Gener...

Their Github page lists only one download link to the Windows Store but you could build it too


The new Windows Terminal is looking very nice so far:


You still have to build it from source in VS 2017 or 2019, and there are a few rough edges (currently only middle click for copy/paste), but it's a great start. They should have some official binaries up pretty soon.

I use iTerm (unfortunately only available for macOS) [1]

There’s a theme that makes it look compact (nicer?) [2]

iTerm is native, supports plugins (Python scripting API), is CPU/RAM friendly, with milliseconds input (very important for touch typing), it’s open source (GPL v2) [3][4], the author is a proficient programmer which I hope to sponsor via GitHub Sponsors program soon [5] although you can already sponsor him via Patreon [6], offers smooth split panes, hotkey, buffer search, intelligent autocomplete, instant replay, an exaggerated amount of extra options available from the application settings, additional shell integrations, inline images, password manager, annotations, and the list of features continues with the beta builds.

Having spent several years using Linux (xterm [7], gnome-terminal [8], guake [9], terminator [10], among others), then moving on to macOS (Terminal.app [11] then iTerm.app), and with the recent news in the Windows world [12], I don’t see any reasons why would anyone install a terminal emulator built on top of a web browser, when there’s a good list of alternatives using native libraries and UI, with much more performance, and better features.

But as people say, to each their own.

[1] https://www.iterm2.com/features.html

[2] https://i.imgur.com/46mY0O6.png

[3] https://gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2

[4] https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2

[5] https://github.com/gnachman

[6] https://www.patreon.com/gnachman

[7] https://invisible-island.net/xterm/

[8] https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-terminal

[9] http://guake-project.org/

[10] https://terminator-gtk3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstar...

[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_%28macOS%29

[12] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

Hardly playing catch up here. They've much surpassed anything Apple has done in recent years, in both software AND hardware.

Also, I don't recall macOS terminal being open source.


And here is MIT-licensed source code for it https://github.com/microsoft/terminal
The public repo is here https://github.com/microsoft/terminal for those who want to try