Nix is one of the few package managers that really obviates building these custom solutions over and over for each different language.

You can also use nix ontop of any distro. It's UX isn't as good as a custom built solution, but if you're a polyglot you'll appreciate not needing to use a different solution for java, node, python etc

*any UNIX-like distro

Unfortunately, Windows support is not there yet (or am I wrong?).

I stopped using Linux as my main distro. I was tired of maintaining my OS with the only argument "but I can do whatever I want", and I've been doing that for 10 years (with Debian, Gentoo and even a LFS at some point), no more.

Windows 10 works well. The WSL works well. Docker Desktop works well (unless you use WSL2, then it's CPU/RAM/Disk IO hungry). chocolatey works well.

WSL works well, until it doesn't. For a non C# (or msft ecosystem) dev, Windows offers very little advantage for development. Every tool that is used mostly by Unix loving folks requires workarounds(when possible) to make it work on Windows. Terminal clients are subpar at best, the only selling point I see on Windows is the ability to play games. Without mentioning the privacy issues on Windows. Most mainstream Linux distros are rock solid stable. You can use out of the box Ubuntu as your daily driver with no configuration, besides installing the software you like. I'm not familiar with Gentoo, but yeah, if you install an arcane distro you could have issues with drivers, etc... MacOs is pretty solid too.

> Terminal clients are subpar at best