I've worked on SDL although I haven't contributed any code. Partly because it isn't convenient to contribute and partly because I felt that the work I did wasn't significant enough to merit jumping thru the hoops to contribute. The move to Github is a very welcomed change.

> One reason we hadn’t considered a move to GitHub before now is that this project has had a policy of owning all its infrastructure.

This is still a good policy to have. They've already done the work to migrate from mercurial to git so, the potential for moving to a forked gitlab or something like that is there. Personally I think that, especially if your doing open source, github is really the way to go here. Github has been great for open source.

I think GitHub is generally safe as long as you have an exit plan for when it's no longer the place you want to be. Know where you're moving your issues and actions if you decide you need to leave.

Since the Microsoft takeover, the platform is compromised. It seems people have very short memories.

Microsoft is a completely different company than it was even just 5 or 10 years ago. Saying that MS is an enemy of open source is uninformed at best and idiotic at worse.

Do me a favor, look at Facebook [1], Apple [2], Amazon [3], Netflix [4] and Google [5]. Now tell me which one has more Open Source repos than MS [6]. I'll give you a hint... none of them. Sure, volume of open source repos may not be the best metric, but to say in 2021 they are enemies of open source with almost 4k open source repos is just dumb.

Hell, even the new MS terminal [7] is open source. They realized that FOSS isn't the enemy and is actually good for the tech industry at large.

[1] https://github.com/facebook [2] https://github.com/apple [3] https://github.com/amzn [4] https://github.com/Netflix [5] https://github.com/google [6] https://github.com/microsoft [7] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal