If the goal was seamlessness; I would think you’d want to pipe the output into terminal directly via STDIN/STDOUT.

Impressive work, regardless

A lot of the CP/M computers I used had serial terminals connected to them and no way to directly attach a monitor and keyboard. It feels like it's easier to emulate that way. Also, Apple's Terminal.app does an outstanding job of pretending to be a VT-200 terminal.

OTOH, this one is self contained. Still pretends the terminal is attached through a serial port, but it's emulated in the app.

It's a shame Apple doesn't make the Terminal.app engine available to developers.

>It's a shame Apple doesn't make the Terminal.app engine available to developers.

Sigh. Add it to the pile of "things Apple really ought to open source just to give back to the community that they used to build the worlds most successful business from"

Yeah. I can understand Apple not wanting to open source everything, but open sourcing Terminal.app is scarcely going to give any advantage to competitors (or jailbreakers, or Hackintoshers, or malware authors, or whoever else the folks at Apple who make these kinds of decisions worry about).

I wish Microsoft would open source some more stuff too – although they are much more open source friendly than Apple, especially in recent times. How about open sourcing cmd.exe? Likewise can't see how that could cause any harm. If they did that I'd be eager to send them some PRs (e.g. add a configuration option to suppress the "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?" prompt.)

Isn't the new Windows Terminal app open source?
