I've read all of the blog posts about the Windows Command Line [1] and the following posts and it still boggles my mind how long it's taking Microsoft to overhaul their command line and create a decent terminal emulator. They're on year 6 of this effort, if you didn't know. I don't think people at MS are stupid or anything - I obviously have no idea of the real complexity underpinning this stuff. But holy cow. This is a problem that's long been solved on other platforms and it just seems ludicrous.

1. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/windows-command-l...

> They're on year 6 of this effort, if you didn't know.

Are you sure? The command line and WSL folks only started being prominent a couple of years ago. Maybe I missed something?

Hi. PM on Windows Command-Line here.

The Console/Terminal team first took-ownership of the Console & Cmd codebases in late 2014, so it's been ~5.5 years.

Until v. recently, the team averaged ~2.5 devs and 0.5 PM (I had to split my time across Console and WSL).

Since spring 2019 when we began the effort to build Windows Terminal, we've grown the team to 4 devs and 1.25 PM (I am now the .25 since Terminal now has a dedicated PM).

During this time, we have shipped improvements to Console in every release of Win10, including transparent background, VT, 24-bit color, and many perf, stability, etc. fixes. But we can only do so much to the Console before we start to break users' existing systems, apps, and tools.

Since Console & Cmd's key responsibility is backward compat, we're pretty much leaving them alone.

But we're plowing ENORMOUS effort into building Windows Terminal which is shaping-up nicely for its v1.0 release this summer. Please give it a try and if you find problems, find/file issues in the github repo because, yes, Windows Terminal and Console are open-source!

Repo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal