What does HackerNews think of vim-tmux-navigator?
Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
EDIT: I'm also a tmux user and I can't live without a replacement for this plugin: https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator
After that maybe try to do same with AwesomeWM and that would be the ultimate navigation setup.
Put another way, there are a lot of tmux users who take advantage of it for its terminal pane management features on a local environment rather than the classic remote-session stability use case ala screen. In that light, some kinds of integration make a ton of sense.
These days, it vaguely annoys me that I can't just navigate between OS (macOS, here) windows by keyboard just as seamlessly. I haven't quite gotten around to solving the problem with Hammerspoon[3] yet.
[1]: https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator
[2a]: https://github.com/jwhitley/dotfiles/blob/master/.tmux.conf#...
[2b]: https://github.com/jwhitley/tilde-local/blob/master/local/bi...
It simply allows you to use Ctrl+{h,j,k,l} to navigate across Vim and Tmux splits as if they all were part of one cohesive IDE. Additionally, it spares you from having to maintain a configuration blob in your .vimrc thanks to being bundled as a plugin.
I don’t think it auto-creates splits, though.
1. https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator. I use ctrl-h/j/k/l to navigate vim splits, and with vim-tmux-navigator, I can seamlessly move between splits and tmux panes. It's really nice.
2. Project management. I use a separate instance of vim per project I'm working on, and each instance corresponds to a tmux window. I have a no-prefix bind on ctrl-f that brings up the choose-window command, so I can navigate between projects with `ctrl-f `. I haven't found a solution to switch between projects in a single vim instance that is as fast this.
For me, it is that I have a package like https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator
I can seamlessly move across splits in either vim or tmux without worrying which program started the splits.
I have "ctrl-(hjkl)" mapped using https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator so I have an extremely easy time navigating between splits in terminal vim. I tried like hell to get "ctrl-(hjkl)" to work in IntelliJ. I eventually gave up and decided to just start clicking the panes like a caveman. It never even crossed my mind to try the original bindings.
Thank you.
YES, THIS! Setting up directional pane navigation to work with both tmux and vim panes as first-class entities was a huge workflow boon for me as well. It was a significant change that helped kick my setup over into vim+tmux+zsh as IDE vs. merely a collection of separate parts.
It's worth noting that some relevant bits of @mislav's stuff has been packaged up nicely as a Vim plugin:
I also just noted that @tarruda (of neovim fame) chimed in on @mislav's gist with his own independently created version of the Vim-side of things. It looks worth comparing some of the implementation details from @tarruda's work, he's done some stuff to eliminate redraws in Vim, etc.
"Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits"
So great. Off to check another random side-project off the list...