If you use Neovim, can you share why you chose it over VS Code, or one of the new terminal-based editors like https://helix-editor.com/, or new native GUI editors like https://zed.dev/ ?
It's impressive to see what the Neovim community has built — preconfigured setups like https://nvchad.com/ are especially wild. But it still feels like a huge amount of work, hoop jumping, and _fragility_ just to reach parity with VS Code/Helix/Zed, which are pretty great out of the box, and which were built to be used as rich development environments instead of extensible text editors.
I've spent months tweaking Neovim/Emacs configs in the past and I ultimately end up conceding that I'd rather spend that time hacking on projects instead of my editor config. I do feel the pull of these editors, though. I'd love to understand what those who stick with them are doing differently, other than perhaps being more susceptible to sunk cost fallacies. :-)
EDIT: I'm also a tmux user and I can't live without a replacement for this plugin: https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator