Whoa, that's amazing.
I don't use tmux, but I'm considering it just because of this super fancy tool here.
I would like to hear about interesting use cases. Is that when you want to show what you're doing to your boss? Or when you want to impress a novice programmer?
Like I mentioned there, I use it to pester my friends :)
tmux is simply fantastic for keeping a session active. Not to mention you won't need to use multiple disjointed emulator windows to do something like keep tabs on a log file while you're working. You can even "full screen" a pane by pressing `Ctrl+b z`! I love being able to ssh into a server (or even my home computer) and simply resume where I left off, from any computer! My friend, let me also take a moment to tell you about Vim.... ;)
Back on topic: I think it would be good for anything where you want things to look almost exactly what's on your screen with high fidelity. Someone submitted an issue to have tmux2html continuously write to the same file that reloads itself. That could be used to have a not-so-realtime snapshot of a pane that's accessible from a browser. Perhaps, some weirdly draconian workplace that requires all employees to use tmux can routinely take a snapshot of all workstation sessions to make sure they aren't goofing off watching ASCII youtube[1]. Who knows!
Ok, you have convinced me. I'll try tmux! I do ssh at all times and do all my programming and other computer stuff in a VPS and remote computers, so this thing was made for me.
I've been using vim for a long time now, although I am still a neophyte.
And I have tried tmux some time ago, but couldn't get used to the keybindings that conflicted with those of vim (I'm against doing too much customization -- specially of keybindings --, because that will make me useless when using other people's computers). Is this a real problem or was it just something I did wrong?