For those who are just getting started with tmux: I advise looking around others' .tmux.conf files for some sensible settings. Like Vim, Tmux ships with a lot of powerful features disabled by default.
My absolute favorite has to be binding a hotkey to opening URLs in the current window [0]. See [1] for a small demo I just recorded.
To get started, here's my current config: [1]
Here's mine:
One tweak I can't live without is having the same key bindings to seamlessly switch between tmux panes and Vim split windows. (
TPM is also really useful for managing tmux plugins
My prefix key is Ctrl-Space. It's very convenient to press on the keyboard, I'm surprised to not see it used more widely (maybe because it's commonly bound to some OS utilities?).
YES, THIS! Setting up directional pane navigation to work with both tmux and vim panes as first-class entities was a huge workflow boon for me as well. It was a significant change that helped kick my setup over into vim+tmux+zsh as IDE vs. merely a collection of separate parts.
It's worth noting that some relevant bits of @mislav's stuff has been packaged up nicely as a Vim plugin:
I also just noted that @tarruda (of neovim fame) chimed in on @mislav's gist with his own independently created version of the Vim-side of things. It looks worth comparing some of the implementation details from @tarruda's work, he's done some stuff to eliminate redraws in Vim, etc.