This "integration" between vim and tmux seems like a misfeature. It is poorly thought out and I'm not surprised it could exhibit such a bug. I don't want tmux sending input to vi based on an unrelated action. Just as I wouldn't expect it to know what program was in the foreground and make lots of assumptions about how it works.

To be honest, I hit my tl;dr threshold on the article, and skimmed only the high level. But speaking personally, I've used vim-tmux-navigator[1] and some related setup on the tmux side[2a][2b] for years, and it's really, really nice. CTRL-{H,J,K,L} navigates seamlessly between vim splits and tmux panes. It works flawlessly, and I wouldn't be without it.

Put another way, there are a lot of tmux users who take advantage of it for its terminal pane management features on a local environment rather than the classic remote-session stability use case ala screen. In that light, some kinds of integration make a ton of sense.

These days, it vaguely annoys me that I can't just navigate between OS (macOS, here) windows by keyboard just as seamlessly. I haven't quite gotten around to solving the problem with Hammerspoon[3] yet.



