i use iterm2 and neovim. Is it worth using/adding tmux for local development?
As Iterm2 has split panels and some level of saving your session and neovim built in termnial I feel tmux may not be needed for local development or am I missing something?
1. https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator. I use ctrl-h/j/k/l to navigate vim splits, and with vim-tmux-navigator, I can seamlessly move between splits and tmux panes. It's really nice.
2. Project management. I use a separate instance of vim per project I'm working on, and each instance corresponds to a tmux window. I have a no-prefix bind on ctrl-f that brings up the choose-window command, so I can navigate between projects with `ctrl-f `. I haven't found a solution to switch between projects in a single vim instance that is as fast this.