What does HackerNews think of supabase?

The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta.

Language: TypeScript

#10 in GraphQL
#13 in PostgreSQL
#17 in PostgreSQL
Supabase[1] is a popular, open-source[2], and very modern alternative with a great free tier!

[1] https://supabase.com/

[2] https://github.com/supabase/supabase

Yes, some portion of their backend is Elixir/Phoenix: https://github.com/supabase/realtime

but most of their current stack and active development, frontend and backend, is Next.js, and not the Rails/Phoenix fullstack way: https://github.com/supabase/supabase

Yes we developed it ourselves. It's all open source [0] so feel free to fork and modify for yourself.

Inside that repo you'll see two key folders:

    - web: our Docs (built with Docusaurus)
    - www: our website + blog (built with Next.js)
The naming convention could be better.

Both of these are deployed to Vercel as separate "sites" using their mult-zone setup [1]. This setup is so that the docs are deployed on a sub-path (supabase.com/docs), rather than a subdomain (docs.supabase.com)

[0] https://github.com/supabase/supabase

[1] Vercel multi-zones: https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/multi-zones

Any one know how it is different from supabase -> https://github.com/supabase/supabase

- Both are Open source - supabase has raised ~$ 36 M in total

Side note: Nice to see the space heating up again, just shows there is so much to be done to help developers

Any opinions how this project compares to Supabase (https://github.com/supabase/supabase) in terms of audience / features, maturity and overall usefulness and performance of both?
For realtime requirements, I'm keeping a close eye on Supabase, which is building an open-source realtime Firebase-style API on top of the Postgres WAL. Theoretically, it's just Postgres with a bunch of services on top, so if you bring your own database migration and fixtures system, you could run a copy locally. Not sure that tooling is fully there yet (and it could use some of the model-layer bells and whistles I remember from the days when Meteor was the way you'd go for realtime), but the dev experience is very promising:



See my comments on Auth here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23320443

> We want to nail the auth and we're looking at leveraging Postgres' native Row Level Security. This is a tricky task to "generalize" for all businesses but we have some good ideas (we're discussing in our repo if you want to follow - https://github.com/supabase/supabase)

> RESTful APIs I can of course get with PostgREST

That's what we use! See our supporting libraries:



https://github.com/supabase/postgrest-py (coming soon)

Also, I'm a long time user and a huge fan. My previous company is featured on their docs (blog post: https://paul.copplest.one/blog/nimbus-tech-2019-04.html#api-...)

see my other comment

> We want to nail the auth and we're looking at leveraging Postgres' native Row Level Security. This is a tricky task to "generalize" for all businesses but we have some good ideas (we're discussing in our repo if you want to follow - https://github.com/supabase/supabase)

We've been building furiously since January but (not surprisingly) we haven't yet reached feature parity. But we will :)

> data store

Yes - our data store is just Postgres so you can migrate in/out - no lockin

> hosting, auth

Not yet. We want to nail the auth and we're looking at leveraging Postgres' native Row Level Security. This is a tricky task to "generalize" for all businesses but we have some good ideas (we're discussing in our repo if you want to follow - https://github.com/supabase/supabase)

> What’s the migration pathway for someone currently on Firebase?

This is also something we're building - a migration tool. Mapping NoSQL to RDBMS is complex, but something I tackled in my previous company. We'll build it so that Firebase and Supabase run "in parallel", which we can do since both have realtime functionality. And then when you're happy, you will be able to switch off Firebase