My app is currently built on top of Firebase but I’m keenly aware of the cost of lock-in as traffic escalates.

Is this a replacement for the whole suite of Firebase offerings (hosting, auth and data store) or just a subset?

What’s the migration pathway for someone currently on Firebase?

We've been building furiously since January but (not surprisingly) we haven't yet reached feature parity. But we will :)

> data store

Yes - our data store is just Postgres so you can migrate in/out - no lockin

> hosting, auth

Not yet. We want to nail the auth and we're looking at leveraging Postgres' native Row Level Security. This is a tricky task to "generalize" for all businesses but we have some good ideas (we're discussing in our repo if you want to follow -

> What’s the migration pathway for someone currently on Firebase?

This is also something we're building - a migration tool. Mapping NoSQL to RDBMS is complex, but something I tackled in my previous company. We'll build it so that Firebase and Supabase run "in parallel", which we can do since both have realtime functionality. And then when you're happy, you will be able to switch off Firebase