Aside from Shopify and others from that era, what modern SaaS offerings are choosing Rails (or Ruby) for their main app? I had one last peer still using Rails, and since Heroku's been on the ropes they're out.

Other than DHH adherents, is anybody still excited about Rails? To draw an even smaller circle, is anybody still excited about Ruby when Rails isn't involved?

> is anybody still excited about Ruby when Rails isn't involved?

Far more excited than I am about JS when the browser isn't involved.

> what modern SaaS offerings are choosing Rails

Github, Airbnb, Shopify, Constant Contact, SlideShare, CrunchBase, Bloomberg, Yammer, GitLab, ZenDesk, Hashicorp, Hulu, Netflix.

GitHub is actively transitioning away from Rails. Netflix is mostly Java / Node.js, they are not a significant Rails shop. Also, OP said "modern", probably to mean not companies that chose their tech stack a decade ago. New SaaS these days trend towards Next.js / Node (Supabase, Substack, Notion, Planetscale, Railway, Secureframe, Newfront, etc.), some Django, the occasional Rails or Phoenix.

Supabase wrote their backend in Elixir. AFIK, their offering started as essentially “various stuff common in Elixir systems, as a service for JS devs”.

More here:

Yes, some portion of their backend is Elixir/Phoenix:

but most of their current stack and active development, frontend and backend, is Next.js, and not the Rails/Phoenix fullstack way: