hey HN, supabase ceo here. I'm really excited about this release.

Our GraphQL implementation is built on top of pg_graphql[0], a PostgreSQL extension we open-sourced a few months ago. The implementation works with a lot of native PG functionality (like Row Level Security). You can also do a some neat things with PG GRANTS, enabling/disabling access to different tables/columns to effectively serve a different GraphQL API depending who is "logged in".

On Supabase, the extension is served via PostgREST[1] using the public PostgreSQL function exposed by pg_graphql. PostgREST exposes PG functions as RPC routes (in our case we also map /rest/v1/rpc/graphql => /graphql/v1)

I'll ping the main dev (@oliverrice) and make sure he is here to answer any technical questions. This is just one of the exciting features we're launching this week. Stay tuned for one of our most-requested features later this week.

[0] pg_graphql: https://github.com/supabase/pg_graphql

[1] PostgREST: https://postgrest.org/

Hey, thanks for creating this! It's nice to see more products in that space.

Off-Topic: How did you create your blog? It's seems like you developed it yourself? I'm currently contemplating on how to create the blog for my product, since I want to have it integrated into the main website as well (as subdirectory). It's not really possible when using third party providers. You always have to use subdomains there.

Yes we developed it ourselves. It's all open source [0] so feel free to fork and modify for yourself.

Inside that repo you'll see two key folders:

    - web: our Docs (built with Docusaurus)
    - www: our website + blog (built with Next.js)
The naming convention could be better.

Both of these are deployed to Vercel as separate "sites" using their mult-zone setup [1]. This setup is so that the docs are deployed on a sub-path (supabase.com/docs), rather than a subdomain (docs.supabase.com)

[0] https://github.com/supabase/supabase

[1] Vercel multi-zones: https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/multi-zones