This looks great, however at first peek it doesn't mention anything about auth. Do you have any plans for that? For me this is the topic I most want to just delegate to the service.

Dashboard, realtime stuff, etc are great too. RESTful APIs I can of course get with PostgREST [0], which is insanely excellent, so the value I'm looking for is to have everything managed, from hosting/storage, to security, to all the other annoying nitty-gritty that I'm likely to get wrong.


See my comments on Auth here:

> We want to nail the auth and we're looking at leveraging Postgres' native Row Level Security. This is a tricky task to "generalize" for all businesses but we have some good ideas (we're discussing in our repo if you want to follow -

> RESTful APIs I can of course get with PostgREST

That's what we use! See our supporting libraries: (coming soon)

Also, I'm a long time user and a huge fan. My previous company is featured on their docs (blog post: