What does HackerNews think of act?

Run your GitHub Actions locally πŸš€

Language: Go

#1 in Go
There are ways to run GHA locally. I've tried out one or two of the tools. [0]

- [0] https://github.com/nektos/act

Check this out. It doesn't do everything but it's decent https://github.com/nektos/act
Good perspective. Unfortunately (1) is unavoidable when you're trying to automate GH itself (role assignments, tagging, etc.). But at this point, I would rather handle a lot of that manually than deal with GHA's awful debug loop.

FWIW, there's nektos/act[^1], which aims to duplicate GHA behavior locally, but I haven't tried it yet.

[^1]: https://github.com/nektos/act

act would also be helpful here in terms of debugging and development of Actions workflows.


The git commit, push, wait loop is terrible UX. Users deserve portable pipelines that run anywhere, including their local machines. I understand Act [1] goes some way to solving this headache but it's by and large not a true representation.

There are many pipelines you can't run locally, because they're production, for example, but there's no reason why we can't capture these workflows to run them locally at less-critical stages of development. Garden offers portable pipelines and then adds caching across your entire web of dependencies. Some of our customers see 80% or higher reductions in run times plus devs get that immediate feedback on what tests are failing or passing without pushing to git first using our Garden Workflows.

We're OSS. [2]

[1] https://github.com/nektos/act

[2] https://docs.garden.io

There's tools like Act[0] that tries to solve this, but this has been an issue with CI systems since they were invented.

[0] https://github.com/nektos/act

I feel you on that one. There is also Act (https://github.com/nektos/act) and Dagger.io.
I use `act` on a couple projects. It's great for quickly iterating locally and keeping the local test environment close-ish to the actual GitHub runner.

In the past I used Jenkins with the web hooks to run builds, which worked ok. Actually I think we just polled GitHub for changes instead of doing the web hook, but it's a similar effect.


I'm curious if this could be used locally for an on-workstation or on-prem setup. Perhaps with something like https://github.com/nektos/act
# Work

- https://gitea.io (repos)

- https://discourse.org (forums)

- https://github.com/nektos/act (CI)

- https://www.goatcounter.com (analytics)

- https://bestpractical.com/request-tracker (support)

- https://couchdb.apache.org (a slave db to backup https://rxdb.info [client db])

- deps: nginx, redis, postgres, mqtt

# Life

- https://matrix.org (comms)

- https://www.teamspeak.com (p2p voip for gaming)

- https://nextcloud.com (files, dav, etc.)

- https://jellyfin.org (+ the sync & swarm shit, radarr, etc.)

- https://mopidy.com (audio)

- https://photoprism.app (photos)

- https://actualbudget.com (finance)

- http://tileserver.org (map tiles)

- https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTakServer (hiking nav)

...and more (reply to initiate detail sequence)

"Did the tests pass" for that signed Reproducible build?

Conda > Adding packages > Running unit tests: https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/adding_pkgs.html#run...

From https://github.com/thonny/thonny/issues/2181 :

> * https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/updating_pkgs.html

> Pushing to regro-cf-autotick-bot branchΒΆ When a new version of a package is released on PyPI/CRAN/.., we have a bot that automatically creates version updates for the feedstock. In most cases you can simply merge this PR and it should include all changes. When certain things have changed upstream, e.g. the dependencies, you will still have to do changes to the created PR. As feedstock maintainer, you don’t have to create a new PR for that but can simply push to the branch the bot created. There are two alternatives […]

nektos/act is one way to run a github-actions.yml build definition locally; without CI (e.g. GitLab Runner, which requires ~--privileged access to the docker/Podman socket) to check whether you get the exact same build artifacts as the CI build farm https://github.com/nektos/act

A Multi-stage Dockerfile has multiple FROM instructions: you can build 1) a container for running the build which has build essentials like a compiler (GCC, LLVM) and packaging tools and keys; and 2) COPY the build artifact (probably one or more signed software packages) --from the build stage container to a container which appropriately lacks a compiler for production. https://www.google.com/search?q=multi+stage+Dockerfile

Are there guidelines for excluding entropy like the commit hash and build time so that the artifact hashes are exactly the same; are reproducible on my machine, too?

I've been using act[1] as a tool to develop/test actions locally, which has helped a lot for creating new actions and debugging existing ones without incurring additional build costs.

There does appear to be some solutions on the marketplace that will allow you to ssh into a runner, but I haven't had a need for them as of yet.

[1] https://github.com/nektos/act

Mmh, I wonder what integrating act[1] into a CI System would look like... you could easily migrate your github projects to self-hosted and still support something like woodpecker ci.

[1]: https://github.com/nektos/act

This is something I’d love to try on my personal projects.

I recently used act[0] to locally test my GitHub actions pipelines and worked okay, the fact that I could interact with the Dagger API via a Python SDK could be even more convenient, will definitely try!

[0]: https://github.com/nektos/act

If you want to run github actions locally before any pitfalls, you can try out


Depending on one's definition of "good," running GL locally in docker is (in my experience) painless, given sufficient disk space and probably RAM

But yes, your observation is my whole complaint: it is not _reasonable_ to ask a GLCI developer to run a local copy of GL, complete with any shared GLCI template repos, in a local docker container just to have local execution. Maybe I wouldn't complain about it so much had I not started with circleci so long ago and had such a "wow, this is amazing" followed by gitlab-runner's :troll_face: -- to say nothing of GitHub Actions just straight up ignoring that whole demographic and hoping https://github.com/nektos/act emulates enough to have people not notice the massive feature gap

For now you can just host GitHub Actions locally. https://github.com/nektos/act
Not that it's in any way official, however you can run Github Actions locally with https://github.com/nektos/act
> Just one problem with this: I’ve never used GitHub actions before. So I had to figure that out, along with setting up proper S3 credentials and getting my site to build. ...

> What does mise in place tell me? Separate the tasks. Find a way to prep just the action file, then just the credentials, then the idiosyncrasies of my projects. After that I can integrate the pipeline with the documentation proper.

The problem I find is that unless you've done something very similar before (and recently, because services and APIs are always in flux), what can happen is you complete a few tasks, then on a later task you find some gotcha that means your original approach isn't going to work, so you come up with a workaround which requires you to redo/change the earlier tasks. Development whack-a-mole.

So what I tend to do is take the riskiest task first, do just enough to convince myself it can be finished, then move on to the next task etc. and then iterate back around filling in the gaps until I'm done.

By the way, I recently did some GitHub Action automation and it was super frustrating. There's no official way to run/test this locally (there's https://github.com/nektos/act which doesn't replicate a lot of features) so you end up editing-saving-pushing-waiting-diagnosing (e.g. even just for basic syntax errors) in this painfully slow feedback loop until it eventually works and hope it doesn't break later. I'd rather just stick to the simplest single script I can come up with than use GitHub Action features because of this.

> Setting up GHA is still a lot of "commit and hope for the best". I've resorted to having a sandbox repo just for experimentation/testing so that I don't overly pollute repos that I actually care about. It would be great to get more instrumentation to see what is going on.

There is act[0] which aims to let you run github actions locally via Docker. It isn't perfect but it does a decent job at it, and for the most part your pipeline can be run locally.

After MS bought GH, I had hopes that they would build a tool to run action locally, but nothing yet.

[0] https://github.com/nektos/act

You can run github actions offline


I don't think github is trying to create lock-in, I think rather they were trying to make a way to easily share actions (not sure what other CIs systems are designed to have an ecosystem of publicly shared actions). The actions are public and therefore easy to make something that interprets them.

I can only guess at some point there will be a push for CIs to converge on some "actions" standard, maybe?

While dealing with an unfamiliar project recently, being able to run actions locally with act[1] was a great time saver for me:

[1] https://github.com/nektos/act

Here's our setup, which is the result of several iterations and ergonomics refinements. Note: our stack is 90% python, with TS for frontend. Also 95% devs use mac (there's one data scientist on windows, he uses WSL).

We install enough utilities with `brew` to get pyenv working, use that to build all python versions. Then iirc `brew install pipx`, maybe it's `pip3 install --user pipx`. Anyway, that's the only python library binary installed outside a venv.

Pipx installs isort, black, dvc, and pre-commit.

Every repo has a Makefile. This drives all the common operations. Pyproject.toml (/eslint.json?) set the config for isort and black (or eslint). `make format` runs isort and black on python, eslint on js. `make lint` just verifies.

Pre-commit only runs the lint, it doesn't format. It also runs some scripts to ensure you aren't accidentally committing large files. Pre-commit also runs several DVC actions (the default dvc hooks) on commit, push, and checkout. These run in a venv managed by pre-commit. We just pin the version.

Github actions has a dedicated lint.yaml which runs a python linter action. We use the black version here to define which black pipx installs. We use `act` if we wanna see how an action runs without sending a commit just to trigger jobs.

As an aside, I'm still fiddling with the dvc `pre-commit` post-checkout hooks. They don't always pull the files when they ought to.

Most of the actual unit/integration tests run in containers, but they can run in a venv with the same logic, thanks to makefile. We use a dvc action to sync files in CI.

So yeah there's technically 2 copies of black and dvc, but we just use pinning. In practice, we've only had one issue with discrepancies in behavior locally vs CI, which was local black not catching a rule to avoid ''' for docstrings; using """ fixed it. On the whole, pre-commit saves against a lot of annoying goofs, but CI system is law, so we largely harmonize against that.

IMHO, this is the least egregious "double accounting" we have in local vs staging ci vs production ci (I lost that battle, manager would rather keep staing.yaml and production.yaml, rather than parameterize. Shrug.gif).

Other knowledge nuggets:

- pre-commit manages its own dependencies. This leads to surprising behavior if you aren't expecting it. Eg you need a special line to specify dvc[s3].

- black has yet to release a non-beta semver, which messes with solvers. This is super annoying. They might as well use 0ver if they don't want to commit to stability. Don't expect any kind of stability of formatting between versions. Hope they settle down soon.

- git-lfs is a nightmare. Two projects at $lastco used it. It's more trouble than it's worth. Just use DVC for yucky files. I have no affiliation with dvc, other than a few bug reports.

- makefiles are great and IMHO underrated. But they have their limits. More complex logic should be broken out into scripts.

- python dependency management is still a kafkaesque nightmare. I say this with over a decade of python experience and it's my favorite language despite this.

- Suggestions welcome!

Technologies referenced:





You can use `act` to run actions locally. Most functionality is supported. Works a treat better than sending it repeatedly just to test how things behave in CI.


If you are using actions, and aren't doing this already, I highly recommend two things:

- Have a sandbox repo or two just for trying things out and playing around - Use Act to test your workflows locally. It doesn't support all the GH Actions functionality just yet, but it's got all the necessities and most niceties, and saves you having to constantly commit and push just to try things.


Yeah, you're right, there is a tool called act[1] that lets users test the GitHub Actions CI runs toward their local machine. The implementation looks very similar to GitHub Actions official runner, e.g use the identical provisioning scripts[2]. It is a very nice tool but serves a different purpose than us.

Regarding general testability with GitHub Actions, I'd recommend checking out the tmate action[3], which lets you debug your CI run with SSH.

[1] https://github.com/nektos/act

[2] https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments

[3] https://github.com/mxschmitt/action-tmate

I thought I have started too many workflows in a short time and got temporarily restricted!

By the way, just discovered a nice library to test GitHub Actions locally: https://github.com/nektos/act

I've never used it myself, but you're probably thinking of this: https://github.com/nektos/act
> Do you reckon this accessibility is a combination of

Yes, exactly. All of our build pipelines for a repository are included in the .github folder in the root of the repo. It makes it easier for team members to feel comfortable making changes and submitting a PR for them. You can setup an ACT container so you can test GitHub Action changes locally before pushing them too (see https://github.com/nektos/act )

> Out of curiosity, how reliable do you find the environment cleanup is?

So far, environment cleanup has been reliable, but I have noticed where it failed to cleanup some provisioned resources once in a blue moon. I blame this more on our code than GitHub Actions. I periodically review our sandbox environments to ensure we didn't miss deleting anything.

Similar to that tool but more than a simulation, you can use `act` to run GitHub Actions locally. Great for testing before deploying.


When you edit an action on GitHub, the web editor has support for workflow syntax and will determine if your action is viable before committing. This is even easier if you use the new codespace shortcut (press .) on GitHub.

You might also want to take a look at act which allows you to run github actions locally, this is typically how I do actions development:


I'm curious what prevents you from writing your own actions in typescript now?

Anyone got any good tips on how to run github action workflows locally or self-hosted? Incidents like this make me want to self-host our CI/CD.

I'm confused as to the difference between https://github.com/nektos/act and https://github.com/actions/runner

Is it not possible to use 'runner' to run github actions locally? The docs for this seem like they are extremely sparse - probably because this competes with the paid option?

I've used https://github.com/nektos/act in the past. It works ok as long as you don't need artifacting.
This project may be able to help you out: https://github.com/nektos/act/ (it provides a way to run GitHub actions locally)
I use tmate[1] to get a shell on the worker when I need to debug things interactively. Also act[2] lets you run a decent approximation of your actions locally. Still agree that it should be easier and not require third-party tools/actions, though.

[1]: https://github.com/mxschmitt/action-tmate [2]: https://github.com/nektos/act

> I wish the existing solutions on the Github side worked.

I did experience a bad outcome using act[0] for a super weird matrix-y workflow, but I'd say for the most part it behaved sanely; did you report your complaints to their issue tracker?

0 = https://github.com/nektos/act

This looks great! I hate it when I have to commit and push a new change for a simple bug. That being said, how does this differ from something like act [1] (besides the fact this is for Gitlab)?

[1] https://github.com/nektos/act

Personally with Github Actions, I do find myself pushing 2, 3 or 4 times just getting the pipeline working because I always mess something up, either I've messed up a command or the environment isn't what I expected etc. There's act[0] for github which I should use more often to solve this, but I usually forget

[0]: https://github.com/nektos/act