I think GH Actions is a pretty cool idea. I don't use them, myself, because, every time I count myself, I keep coming up "1."

When I left my last job, and started working on my own, I set up things like CI/D, JIRA, Jenkins, etc. These were the bread and butter for development in my old shop.

But they are "Concrete Galoshes"[0], and work very well for teams, as opposed to ICs. As a single developer, working alone, the infrastructure overhead just slowed me down, and, ironically, interfered with Quality.

When GH Actions were first announced (I can't remember, but they may have been beta, then), I set up several of them, on my busier projects. They worked great, until I started to introduce some pivots, and I realized that there was actually no advantage to them. I ran the tests manually, anyway, and the Actions just gave me one more thing to tweak. It was annoying, getting the failure messages, when I knew damn well, the project was fine. I'd just forgotten to tweak the Action. I introduce frequent changes, in my work, and that is great.

[0] https://littlegreenviper.com/miscellany/concrete-galoshes/

You can run GitHub actions locally but I forget the name of the tool.

You can also run actions on top of Jenkins. https://github.com/DontShaveTheYak/jenkins-std-lib

I've never used it myself, but you're probably thinking of this: https://github.com/nektos/act