There are two types of github actions workflows you can build.

1) Program with github actions. Google "how can I send an email with github actions?" and then plug in some marketplace tool to do it. Your workflows grow to 500-1000 lines and start having all sorts of nonsense like conditionals and the YAML becomes disgusting and hard to understand. Github actions becomes a nightmare and you've invited vendor lock in.

2) Configure with github actions. Always ask yourself "can I push this YAML complexity into a script?" and do it if you can. Send an email? Yes, that can go in a script. Your workflow ends up being about 50-60 lines as a result and very rarely needs to be changed once you've set up. Github actions is suddenly fine and you rarely have to do that stupid push-debug-commit loop because you can debug the script locally.

Every time I join a new team I tell them that 1 is the way to madness and 2 is the sensible approach and they always tepidly agree with me and yet about half of the time they still do 1.

The thing is, the lack of debugging tools provided by Microsoft is also really not much of a problem if you do 2, vendor lock in is lower if you do 2, debugging is easier if you do 2 but still nobody does 2.

How DO you debug your actions? I spend so long in the commit-action-debug-change loop it’s absurd. I agree with your point re: 2 wholeheartedly though, it makes debugging scripts so much easier too. CI should be runnable locally and GitHub actions, while supported with some tooling, still isn’t very easy to work with like that.

There are ways to run GHA locally. I've tried out one or two of the tools. [0]

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