I couldn't agree more with the pain of debugging a GH Actions run. The /only/ tool you have is the ability to re-run with debug on. That's it. I have so many "trash" commits trying to fix or debug a pipeline and so much of it's just throwing stuff at the wall to see if it sticks.

Very basic things, like having reusable logic, is needlessly complex or poorly documented. Once I figured out how to do it it was fairly easy but GitHub's docs were terrible for this. They made it seem like I had to publish an action to get any reusability or put it in a different repo. Turns out you can create new yaml files with reusable logic but make sure you put them in the root of the workflows folder or they won't work, go figure.

It's just incredibly painful to work on GH Actions but once you have them working they are such a joy. I really wish there was some kind of local runner or way to test your actions before committing and pushing.

Check this out. It doesn't do everything but it's decent https://github.com/nektos/act