What does HackerNews think of zola?

A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. https://www.getzola.org

Language: Rust

#2 in Markdown
#20 in Rust
#1 in Jekyll
I use Zola (https://github.com/getzola/zola) to generate static site from Markdown and host it via GitHub Pages.
i’m using Zola static site generator for my website (after switching from Wordpress)



if you need more than that for a static blog (like Gatsby/NextJS) i’d consider you unreasonable


I'm using Zola SSG (https://github.com/getzola/zola) and hosted on GitHub Pages. I write about Regular Expressions, CLI one-liners, Scripting Languages, Vim, self-publishing, etc.

I write my books in markdown and convert to pdf/epub/web using pandoc and mdbook. I find markdown easier to work with and I don't know much about web development. So, I use Zola (https://github.com/getzola/zola) for my blog (https://learnbyexample.github.io/). It is a static site generator, clone a theme you like and start writing posts in markdown.
No you're absolutely right -- these are all headless CMSes, I did not actually complete the JAMstack, only the wrong piece -- I don't know what I was thinking, don't know what made me zoom in on CMSes so much, guess I think of them as more important than the front-end in a JAMstack.

As recompense, some lesser known options for the frontend part of the JAMstack that weren't mentioned in the original post:

- https://github.com/getzola/zola

- https://hexo.io/

- https://www.getblades.org/getting_started.html

>And I like Hugo because of that “it’s just a binary” bit. There’s no dependency hell.

I had that issue with Jekyll, I just couldn't get the set up to work on my system (to be fair, I gave up easily instead of asking for help).

When I came across Zola (https://github.com/getzola/zola), I was immediately drawn by the single binary aspect.

Earlier this year, I made a site using Zola. I was quite happy with it once I got past some of the quirks when dealing with URLs.


I've made a few things:

- Zola (https://github.com/getzola/zola) a SSG that works like I wanted and had a template engine close to Jinja2. I was using Hugo at the time but can't stand Golang template engine (imagine my sadness recently when I realised what Helm Charts are using...)

- Tera (https://github.com/keats/tera): a template engine pretty close to Jinja2/Django templates - at the time it was made only Handlebars existed in Rust and it was not enough for what I needed in Zola

- kickstart (https://github.com/Keats/kickstart): an equivalent of cookiecutter from Python but trying to be more interactive/powerful as a simple binary, see the GIF in the repo for an example

- validator (https://github.com/Keats/validator): my take on Python marshmallow validations, nothing existed at the time.

So yeah, most of my open-source is re-creating libraries I use with Python in Rust.

I used Hugo some years ago[1] and my memory of it was mostly negative in terms of usability. I revisited it again this year for another project and it drove me so mad that I ended up switching to Zola[2].

My issue with Hugo was that it just wasn't reliable with what was in the cache so I could never trust whether what I saw was actually the state of the site and causing me to push a broken state to the remote server. Hugo is great if it works but I found it a nightmare to deal with when it doesn't.

There are countless options in Hugo (yes I understand it's powerful but I rather it just had half the option and they work as advertised), some of which at times are contradictory so searching for solutions took me ages. I have no affiliation with the zola project and am not even big on Rust. Zola just worked for me and seems a lot less "hacky" than hugo thanks to the Tera templating system.

The Author of Zola writes on his github:

> [hugo] personally drives me insane, to the point of writing my own template engine and static site generator.

a sentiment that I share very much.

[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20180714043311/https://iotdarwin...

[2] https://github.com/getzola/zola

[3] https://github.com/getzola/after-dark

For those who want to like Hugo, but can't stand the templating language: there's also Zola (https://github.com/getzola/zola), a superb static site generator, with built-in Sass compilation, written in Rust.
Zola [0] has a comparison table between Zola, Cobalt, Hugo and Pelican. I tried out Zola because I saw somewhere that it was single binary (had heard of Hugo, but didn't know it was single binary). I moved my blog from Jekyll to Zola as I found a theme I liked.

[0] https://github.com/getzola/zola

I'm currently using a Jekyll based theme to host my blog via GitHub pages. I'll most likely switch to static-site generator using zola [0]. I don't much know about web development, but fine with markdown based site generation. Was struggling with zola docs, until I found that I can simply clone themes [1] and replace the sample posts. I'll go through settings later. Best thing I like about zola is that I get a single binary (this is based on rust) and I don't have to fiddle with npm, etc.

[0] https://github.com/getzola/zola

[1] https://www.getzola.org/themes/

1. Mostly self-promotional articles to lead towards my ebooks. But I'm proud of my 'customizing pandoc' and 'what next in Python' posts.

2. I am averaging about 1 post per 2 months :(

3. GitHub, because it is free and I can use markdown. Currently using a jekyll theme, but I'm planning to switch to static-site generator like https://github.com/getzola/zola

4. https://learnbyexample.github.io/

Since you mentioned Rust and since this is turning into a "suggest a static site generator" thread, I'll mention Zola: https://github.com/getzola/zola , although I can't say how well it works for photo galleries.
Just think of the immense amount of work a compiler is doing to compile a decently sized C++ or Rust binary.

If there was a need for it, static site generators could be scaled to tens or hundreds of thousands of pages and still finish in a few seconds. Caching partial results is always an option.

There are generators that are decently performant, like Hugo (Go) [1] or Zola (Rust) [2].

[1] https://gohugo.io/ [2] https://github.com/getzola/zola

And for people who want "Hugo but written in Rust" or "Hugo but written in Javascript" — then, there's Zola (Rust): https://github.com/getzola/zola, and 11ty (Javascript): https://github.com/11ty/eleventy. (Or at least that's how I think about these two.)
I switched my personal Jekyll site to Gatsby 2 years ago. I ran into some minor bugs and even contributed 3 PRs that got merged. I loved working with it for a few weeks. Two months after switching, it too dawned on me how over-engineered it is. I switched off of it to a custom static site generator I made (admittedly it was also over-engineered), but I'm finally back to a simple static generator called zola [1] and it feels so refreshing.

Not only is Gatsby over-engineered, it's also bloated IMO. I think one of their main selling points it that page loads seem instant. Preloading other pages in the background seems needless to me when we're talking about a simple blog. Sure, it might be good for apps, but forcing my (few) visitors to download needless mbs on desktop or mobile seems like a bad user experience to me.

[1]: https://github.com/getzola/zola

There's Zola, a bit like Hugo but written in Rust,


and, looking at the readme, a bit more features than Hugo, e.g. built in search (how does that work?).

I used Zola [0] + Caddy [1] with the http.git plugin [2] and docker. I generate the assets with Zola, then rsync them to a separate repository and Caddy automatically pulls in the changes whenever I git push.

Source here: https://git.sr.ht/~andrewzah/personal-site/tree

[0]: https://github.com/getzola/zola [1]: https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy [2]: https://caddyserver.com/docs/http.git