“Written in GO and readily installable as a binary, Hugo is tremendously portable…”

I am but a humble designer, who only knows enough to write some simple prototypes, and wants some organizational helps. Partials. Concatenating stylesheets. Little things that I used to use CodeKit for.

And I like Hugo because of that “it’s just a binary” bit. There’s no dependency hell. No leaning tower of JS or Ruby. You install it, it sits there, nothing can really break. That’s what I want.

Is that a niche criteria? Obviously. But I do appreciate it. (And if someone has a better suggestion for a very simple static site generator, bring it on.)

>And I like Hugo because of that “it’s just a binary” bit. There’s no dependency hell.

I had that issue with Jekyll, I just couldn't get the set up to work on my system (to be fair, I gave up easily instead of asking for help).

When I came across Zola (https://github.com/getzola/zola), I was immediately drawn by the single binary aspect.