I do run my own site. Moreover, I do all the coding, styling, and layout manually and without any 3rd-party libraries or frameworks. Or even in-house libraries for that matter.

This works for me in terms of freedom. I can do interactive plots, quizzes, games and all kind of programmable things I can imagine. No restrictions.

In fact, I left Medium because I was restricted to text and images only. I want more. I want words and buttons: https://wordsandbuttons.online

But it's not really aligned with the reasons from the post. It's not a resume. It would have been an awful resume. I wouldn't hire myself by this resume.

And keeping record is, of course, nice. But it has nothing to do with running your own website. You can keep record on Medium, too. In fact, it would be more effective since it works wonders for the small notes.

Still, I totally agree that keeping your own site is a fascinating experience and it's well worth time and effort.

I appreciate the amount of work and effort you've put in here.

I also maintain my own site which is statically generated and deploys to a VPS running docker via git pushes. I haven't written interactive articles yet, but having absolute freedom is imperative for me. I always end up fighting with whatever system I use, except here I can just extend it to do what I need.

Oh cool! What did you use to build that? I did the same thing with blog.winricklabs.com

I used Zola [0] + Caddy [1] with the http.git plugin [2] and docker. I generate the assets with Zola, then rsync them to a separate repository and Caddy automatically pulls in the changes whenever I git push.

Source here: https://git.sr.ht/~andrewzah/personal-site/tree

[0]: https://github.com/getzola/zola [1]: https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy [2]: https://caddyserver.com/docs/http.git