Think twice about building on top of Gridsome.

I love Gridsome, and it had tons of potential, but it's effectively a dead project. The maintainers haven't cut a new release since November 2020.[0] There's barely been any feature work since 2019.[1] Their Github repos have tons of PRs that have not been reviewed. There are serious site-killing bugs that have not been fixed for over a year.[2]

I really wanted this project to succeed. I asked to sponsor the project and volunteered working on their documentation for a few months, but it didn't seem to yield any new dev work.

The maintainers are extremely talented, and this is not a knock against them, but I just caution anyone against marrying themselves to a framework that's unlikely to have any ongoing maintenance.




Maybe I'm missing something, but how are these alternatives to Gridsome? These all appear to be headless CMSes, where Gridsome would be the front end accessing the CMS.

No you're absolutely right -- these are all headless CMSes, I did not actually complete the JAMstack, only the wrong piece -- I don't know what I was thinking, don't know what made me zoom in on CMSes so much, guess I think of them as more important than the front-end in a JAMstack.

As recompense, some lesser known options for the frontend part of the JAMstack that weren't mentioned in the original post:


