What does HackerNews think of barrier?

Open-source KVM software

Language: C

I don't think that this is necessarily what you are asking, but I use MacOS and Windows on my desk at the same time, and Barrier is like a super power.


Isn't that functionnaly the same as Synergy (which was opensource but isn't anymore), and it's opensource fork Barrier (https://github.com/debauchee/barrier) ?
There's a slightly different approach with a similar outcome: sharing the keyboard and mouse between two machines.

Software used to be called Synergy, but that went commercial, so there's a fork called barrier. https://github.com/debauchee/barrier

I've been looking for the same, it's come down throwing some $$'s at dedicated 4k@60 HDMI/DisplayPort extenders and using a soft KVM like Barrier [0] for mouse and keyboard. I haven't found any hardware specs that include latency figures, an occasional "no latency" claim.

[0]: https://github.com/debauchee/barrier

From Barrier's github repo[1]:

> We will also have our eye on Wayland when the time comes.

Every time I've inquired about $simple_x11_thing for Wayland I find smells like this one. Does Barrier work under Wayland, or not?

1: https://github.com/debauchee/barrier

> I have a Logi keyboard and Mouse with that 3 device button option, and a monitor with a few inputs, so I just turn on the ol' Linux box, press a few buttons, and I'm there.

Install Barrier on both Mac and Linux, get an extra monitor, and then you can seamlessly work on both system at once as if it's a single computer with multiple monitors. Don't even need to press that switch button on your keyboard and mouse.


from a purely software perspective and sort of the inverse of this, everyone should be aware of barrier, the fork/continuation of synergy


the general concept is you could have 2, 3, 4 or more individual desktop PCs at one desk, each connected to their own displays, and one keyboard and one mouse. The keyboard and mouse are on the primary workstation, you can roll the mouse off the edge of one screen and onto another.

The secondary and tertiary workstation PCs have no keyboard/mouse i/o plugged into them, just power, ethernet and display.

I still have two lying around. One of them was a 15” dell brick.

I had informed the client that I will be disposing of them when I’m back if they don’t handle it and that any and all third party liability well fall on the direct supervisor if he can’t organize the transfer.

Needlessly to say even me connecting them directly to the courier was not enough.

My guess is that the OP depends on the money otherwise he wouldn’t be asking for help. So either but a cheap laptop and then control it with barrier[1] from your main driver and don’t ask(because whatever you ask they will probably say no). Or let them ship theirs to you, but I’m willing to bet that it be worse than whatever second machine you get.

In the meantime I would suggest you look for a new client because judging from experience there is a lot more pain to come. I didn’t do it in time and ended up paying dearly for my lack of initiative on that front.

[1] https://github.com/debauchee/barrier

This? https://github.com/debauchee/barrier

Is the key feature clipboard sharing? Otherwise I don't know why I wouldn't redirect events with zero additional software. As-is, I press both ctrl keys and my keyboard and mouse switch to the virtual machine. The big nuisance is that I need to switch monitor inputs. That appears to be something I can automate, but simply haven't yet.

And barrier is a fork of synergy before it went quasi-open source that actually works!


Barrier[0] is a free Synergy fork from before they went commercial. Though I'm tempted to try the commercial version just for something easier to use.

[0] https://github.com/debauchee/barrier

You can! Synergy does exactly this! However, you almost certainly want the fork, Barrier, now, as Synergy has stagnated.


Laser printer and printing all books and documents. About 300 pages/week.

8x4k 27" screens in portrait mode plus TV. I connected laptop and two desktops with Barrier, so all share single mouse, keyboard and clipboard.

I found it better to work on multiple machines simultaneously. Background tasks do not slow it down. And connecting 9 displays to single machine is tricky. It is cheap junk, but looks like power plant control center. And productivity gain is there.


There is a fork of it called "barrier". Using it every day.


I currently use Barrier to control three computers (Mac, Windows 10, and Raspberry Pi) from my Mac laptop.


Synergy's commercial nature of their product is weird and wrong, use barrier instead.


Since synergy is currently asking money for their main product, I've changed to fork called barrier ( https://github.com/debauchee/barrier ).

But +1 for the recommendation, so easy to set up and it works so well it feels like magic when using for first time.

Pretty good list. A few things I noticed though. The author seems to refer to any software that is commercial, as shareware. That is not accurate.

Also, Synergy is not free anymore. I believe there is a recent free fork-- Barrier I believe?


I like the author's idea about using SecureCRT and ssh localhost. There are so many good Windows terminal options available now though with WSL being so prominent, that this option is certainly not something you should need to have to do (eg, Alacritty etc makes for a beautiful Powershell experience)

Total Commander is certainly amazing, and believe stays fully functional forever after an initial startup nag, much like WinRAR.

Speaking of WinRAR, I still use it, partly for nostalgia sake, and partly because it has a feature that 7zip does not have-- and that is to select a bunch of archives, and to extract each one and then delete the archive. This is very handy if you don't have a lot of extra drive space past what the archives are using (haven't found a way to make 7z do this even via CLI options; although I'm sure you could script it with power/cmd shell script, but 7z does not appear to have a builtin switch for that exact functionality of deleting the archive after extraction).

Also, perhaps this original list is (relatively) old, even though it appears to have been updated 3 weeks ago. That doesn't diminish any of the tools, however certain items may be deprecated, such as HijackThis, which appears to have gotten eaten up by Trend Micro. Looks like one can find it at oldversion.com, however, it would be inadvisable to use given the unlikelihood of the database being updated/current.

Went down this road a year or 2 ago. My pc is always on so I use Barrier with my PC as the host and laptop as the client. https://github.com/debauchee/barrier it works really well
for anyone that's interested in this general concept, also take a look at 'barrier', which is the continuation and fork of synergy. use one keyboard and mouse to drive multiple independent PCs at one desk, roll the mouse/keyboard off the edge of one screen and onto the other.

sort of an inverse KVM. and without the ridiculous cost/licensing issues of the official synergy.


synergy these days has been replaced for most serious use by barrier, due to the restrictive synergy license and costs.


I actually clicked on this thread for the purpose of commenting that you could do cool things with some combination of this, using spare screen/tablet devices, and Barrier. But you beat me to mentioning the concept.

We all know Synergy and for basic setups it gets the job done. I paid for the v2 Pro license to support them and will keep doing so.

I have moved over though to using Barrier, a synergy-core fork. You get ssl crypto for free, and it fixes some simple but long standing bugs that really annoyed me. Have only used on Mac + Linux for now.


> switching USB takes as long as it does to switch video inputs

High-end KVMs get around this with virtual usb devices. Instead of switching the actual USB devices between computers A and B, they instead create a separate virtual USB device for each computer that always stays connected to each computer and is never switched. When you push the button on the KVM, you are not actually switching between computers, the KVM reads the USB input from the device and then recreates it on the appropriate virtual usb output device.

These KVMs are pretty costly. There are some complicated DIY solutions involving arduinos, but a software "KVM" (really just the KM, no V) like https://github.com/debauchee/barrier in most situations works just as well, and if the computers are connected via wired ethernet, is rock-solid and adds no perceptible latency.

Is this for sharing a display with the desktop / laptop? Or just the keyboard/mouse?

For keyboard/mouse I use Barrier ( https://github.com/debauchee/barrier ) which works great for sharing keyboard/mouse between my laptop and desktop.

It would help to know more about what devices and operating systems you plan to use.

Logitech makes mice and keyboards that can pair with multiple bluetooth devices and are switch selectable on the keyboard.

If your willing to do DIY, there are several KVM projects based around the raspberry pi which could be made to funnel the bluetooth as well. I would start at https://hackaday.com/tag/kvm/

Here are a few more ideas: https://www.reddit.com/r/embedded/comments/d2wx04/what_do_i_...

This might help http://handheldsci.com/kb/ as bluetooth to usb which then plugs into kvm

synergy or barrier could provide a software solution



Please support Barrier[0] (FOSS) or, perhaps, just buy ShareMouse[1] or download Input Director[2] (free but closed source) rather than supporting Synergy.

I worked for Symless for 2 years and I can tell you first hand that the owner had little interest in fixing or improving the core functionality, the code for which has remained largely unchanged for 12-15 years.

Most of the input bugs in the software are a decade old, and unless a community patch comes along that can be merged, the owner only has interest in keeping it working on new OS versions, and tarting up the UI/UX to support Symless as a lifestyle business.

In the 2 years since I left I've seen exactly 3 bugfix releases, one of which broke TLS, and none of which seemed to contain any significant original work.

Supposedly Synergy 3 is in the works, after Synergy 2 (which I worked on) was scrapped, but this will almost certainly only be a proprietary Electron UI for the FOSS CLI instead of a Qt/QML UI for the FOSS CLI (as v2 was).

Major versions of Input Director (v2.0) and ShareMouse (v5.0) have been announced in the last few months, and it looks like significant work has taken place on both projects. Both of these products need better marketing.

Unfortunately none of the alternatives to Barrier/Synergy seem to want to support Linux, which remains its moat. The days for that are numbered due to Wayland though (Synergy uses the X11 XTest extension to inject input).

[0] https://github.com/debauchee/barrier

[1] https://www.sharemouse.com/

[2] https://www.inputdirector.com

I know this isn’t the same but if you don’t need to switch the monitor inputs and only need mouse / keyboard support. I’ve been using https://github.com/debauchee/barrier for the last few years.

It works surprisingly well, no noticeable lag even when gaming.

The hardest part of this seems to be the V in the KVM and the solution of the author's is pretty neat. But I think things could still be improved by dropping his keyboard/mouse setup and just switching to the standard: barrier/synergy, https://github.com/debauchee/barrier
That product is walking dead. Use https://github.com/debauchee/barrier which forked the last open source version.