"Motivation: Docker for Mac was proving to be a workflow pain rather than a workflow gain."

I feel that pain. I switched from a Linux box to a Mac Mini for ALMOST all the work I do. I just couldn't take the pain, now when I need to do my Docker work, I just flip back to my Linux box. I have a Logi keyboard and Mouse with that 3 device button option, and a monitor with a few inputs, so I just turn on the ol' Linux box, press a few buttons, and I'm there. I do the same thing for Windows, for the rare occasion I need Windows (mostly for testing stuff).

I could probably find ways around the pain points, but I just can't be bothered when it's so easy to just use the other machine sitting right here. No point in wasting any more time on it.

> I have a Logi keyboard and Mouse with that 3 device button option, and a monitor with a few inputs, so I just turn on the ol' Linux box, press a few buttons, and I'm there.

Install Barrier on both Mac and Linux, get an extra monitor, and then you can seamlessly work on both system at once as if it's a single computer with multiple monitors. Don't even need to press that switch button on your keyboard and mouse.
