One thing I like about X is I can run x2x over ssh to move my mouse pointer and keyboard control from my laptop to my rpi-hooked-to-a-TV.

So I can watch stuff on the TV, and when I want to choose a new thing I just mouse past the edge of my laptop screen and now I'm mousing and typing on the rpi.

Is this currently possible under Wayland with stock Ubuntu and stock Raspbian?

This sounds vary familiar to Synergy. If you're familiar with that project, would you say this (x2x) is better?

I loved Synergy, but it has gone commercial, so I use Barrier, which forked from one of the last free commits. Works well across Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.

From Barrier's github repo[1]:

> We will also have our eye on Wayland when the time comes.

Every time I've inquired about $simple_x11_thing for Wayland I find smells like this one. Does Barrier work under Wayland, or not?
