I remember when I first started working and was surprised to learn that email admins could and would read email. When I asked HR for their policy on this they said they had none and the company can do anything they want with employee activity. This was the 90s and was true then as it is now.

Same for the MITM ssl proxy stuff.

This has always been legal and recorded, Microsoft just makes it easier. And I think maybe even better since at least the information is audited and not available to any random sysadmin.

This just makes me choose my employers more carefully as while they certainly have this data to abuse, fortunately few do not.

The risk of a micromanager misusing the information mentioned in this article isn’t one of privacy, but one of being a crappy manager. If someone ever remarked on the amount of screen sharing I did or did not use as if that metric mattered, it would just help me not work for them.

If someone is forced to work for someone, it’s extremely easy to game this metric and maintain privacy.

I learned decades ago to assume everything on company property is recorded and stored for ever. That’s why I have personal property that the company isn’t able to access so I can conduct personal activities with some level of privacy.

> That’s why I have personal property that the company isn’t able to access so I can conduct personal activities with some level of privacy.

The problem right now is: due to Work from home, you basically have blurred the lines between the digital company and private assets. Either you have a company device; or even a personal device running this software in your private networks doing and telemetering you don’t know what.

This especially bad for the folks who aren’t able to properly put those devices in a separate subnet and protect themselves.

Second laptop. I know it's expensive, but if your working from home, don't do it from your own computer. do it from a computer work provides. Or at least, create a second account called work and do everything from that. Also make the theme, colors and everything you can different so there's a context shift between the two activities.

We all know Synergy and for basic setups it gets the job done. I paid for the v2 Pro license to support them and will keep doing so.

I have moved over though to using Barrier, a synergy-core fork. You get ssl crypto for free, and it fixes some simple but long standing bugs that really annoyed me. Have only used on Mac + Linux for now.
