What does HackerNews think of code-server?

VS Code in the browser

Language: TypeScript

The reason I use VSCode is Code Server[0]. It is certainly not as powerful as IntelliJ, but the I have to get used to it because the web-based IDE is a must for me.

By the way, unless my English is terribly bad, calling someone lunatic for their choice of IDE may not be a great idea.

[0] https://github.com/coder/code-server

I've been running https://github.com/coder/code-server for the past few months, and I really like it.

It's basically self-hosted VS Code in a browser. I can switch from my desktop to my laptop, even to my phone, and pick up right where I left off with uncommitted changes, long running processes, etc. Additionally, I get the full resources of my server and don't have to worry about it running down my battery or causing the fans to spin up on my laptop.

From the screenshots this seems to use an X/VNC server or something, it might be good to also explore using https://github.com/coder/code-server with a native Android browser to get things like graphics acceleration (though with disadvantages like not being about to develop graphical applications)
I put code-server[1] on a Linux box of mine, which gives me a whole proper IDE in the browser. I use it a lot on my Boox tablet with a bluetooth keyboard and it works great.

[1] https://github.com/coder/code-server

> Just dropping in to second VSCode remote (assuming you meant code-server).

Yes and no. It is the native VSCode remote server (a closed source Microsoft version using SSH: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh), but it is also called code-server, which is often confused with coder's code-server (https://github.com/coder/code-server)

There's code-server (https://github.com/coder/code-server) which you can install on your own machine and is based off VSCode. However, it doesn't have access to some of the Microsoft VSCode extensions (although there are generally equivalents).
Why use this - a stripped down unusable version of vscode when you can host a full instance of vscode on your linux server


If you dont like the idea of having your dev environment in the cloud, coder have a self-hostable vscode docker image:


While it's not the best experience I've been using iPad for coding for over 2 years on my personal projects. My setup uses a machine at home with - https://github.com/coder/code-server - terminus - for playing with terminal work - tailscale - for VPN and accessing local servers on home server

I must admit not having a ESC key in ipad keyboard is a pain as I'm a heavy vim user but after a few weeks you kind of get used to CMD + "." for escape and life moves on. IMO, the biggest pro I have for using iPad is the fact that the size and battery life as the heavy computing happens on my home server plus the small network footprint on mobile network is just helpful.

Also could install a browser based VSCode on that remote server and access that.


You can't run your code locally, but VSCode (but NOT VSCodium sadly) has a set of remote development plugins (ssh, containers, etc) that allow you to edit locally, run on a remote server.

Also see code-server (https://github.com/coder/code-server) for another option.

Got a free tier you can play around with at [0] , and a few examples you can check out over at [1].

We've also got a zero-config (in-browser!) version of the whole thing [2], using code-server [3].

[0] https://lightrun.com/free

[1] https://github.com/lightrun-platform/lightrun/tree/main/exam...

[2] https://playground.lightrun.com

[3] https://github.com/coder/code-server

Does code-server[1] meet your needs? It's self hosted and has been meeting by (albeit) hobbyist needs well.

[1] https://github.com/coder/code-server

Darn. Maybe the solution is to use vs-code client in the browser? Like vscode.dev or https://github.com/coder/code-server ? It limits what keyboard shortcuts and extensions are available, but at least it's in a secure sandbox on the client side.
Code server might be what you're looking for: https://github.com/coder/code-server

The caveat with the above is that you'll need something to host it. You could use a computer on your local network or a VPS of some kind (DigitalOcean, Linode, etc all have cheaper plans for hosting).

Once you get Code Server running, you can add the URL to your homepage to remove the Safari URL bar.

code-server https://github.com/coder/code-server works fairly well and can be saved to the home screen as a web applet to get rid of the browser URL bar. Their are a few UI issues related to touch but it has served well enough for some light work.

You can also use a remote apps like Rainway/TeamViewer/RDP/VNC somewhat successfully to get a more full desktop experience. Unfortunately they all seem to have their own input caveats that take some getting used to.

I am personally waiting for Parsec to release native iPadOS and tvOS clients as it provides the best experience I have found.

It seems like the gaming oriented remote desktop apps (Rainway https://rainway.com/, Parsec https://parsec.app/) are the best though as the latency on the more traditional ones is somewhat of a hindrance.

USB/Bluetooth keyboard and mouse support tends to work okay, but the simulated touch mouse makes getting used to things tough. If you have not tried using iPad OS with a mouse I suggest you look into before making a purchase as it is a fairly limiting experience.


The cheapest will be to ... not buy laptop. You can go for 2 in 1 and use your Android phone (if you have one) or buy one.

Any Android phone will do the job, but best look for one with USB3.1 (these will support display port on phones USB socket) as it carries video signal as well.

Here you have phones released in 2021 and 2022 supporting it: https://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?nYearMin=2021&sFreeTex...

If you want to go for used phone feel free to refine search and set older years.

Portable screen you can get on Chinese websites for as little as 80-150USD (with shipping including)

Then get yourself bluetooth keyboard with trackpad (there are even foldable ones), or BT keyboard and BT mouse (whatever you like) and you should be already good.

Nice to have is also USB-C hub with HDMI output, so you can plug any wired USB devices or output via HDMI to regular screen or TV, these will cost 10-20USD with shipping

Optionally: You might also want a better control over your Android OS, or be able to receive updates way longer than vendor ships them - if so I will recommend to go for one of the phones supported here https://download.lineageos.org/ (most modern hardware with USB3.1 is supported by OnePlus, but you might find other brands and models that does the job)


First you need install Termux on Android, it is kind of linux shell for Android linux kernel (all you basically need to start any development)

Once you'll have this, you can head for gcc, clang or whatever you need

Last piece is IDE, I use this one: https://github.com/coder/code-server

what do you actually want to do? I have https://github.com/coder/code-server and https://jupyter.org/hub running on a PI, along with tailscale on the ipad and pi. This allows the IPAD to have a full editor, and a shell onto the pi.
Creator of the original https://github.com/coder/code-server and co-founder of https://coder.com here. Microsoft’s code-server uses their official extension marketplace, allowing LiveShare, Pylance, and other proprietary extensions in their browser VS Code experience. Their license prevents users from “hosting it as a service” meaning you can’t productize their code-server like you can ours.

We’re disappointed that Microsoft chose to release under the `code-server` command-line name. Our community has produced countless blog posts, videos, StackOverflow questions, etc. that will become difficult for our users to find. This naming decision suggests that Microsoft aims to replace our code-server instead of coexisting.

We will continue developing our code-server until Microsoft’s has parity. As for Coder, we’re focusing more on the platform side (https://github.com/coder/coder) and less on making IDEs work remotely.

I wonder why the people at Microsoft don't credit code-server which has been around for much longer than their offering.


I'm not sure this is going to work for you though, it seems to make you go through a tunnel service that MS is running on vscode.dev. Look at the flow they describe and it has you getting an auth code after github login and using that code on vscode.dev to access the server instance.

If you haven't seen it already coder has a nice VS code server instance that runs like a traditional self-hosted server app and could likely be run in an airgapped environment: https://github.com/coder/code-server

While not a Microsoft offering, code-server[1] already exists and works pretty well.

[1] https://github.com/coder/code-server

they did already: https://github.com/coder/code-server

works great, even on small server machines!

edit: as pointed out by others, this is not actually by MS, but works just fine anyway. TIL!

Possible alternative: https://github.com/coder/code-server

Basically lets you use VS Code from a browser. Integrated terminal works, Git integration, and many extensions work too

The alternative is actually possible and works reasonably well from the browser: https://github.com/coder/code-server
> I can use my editor over ssh and edit anywhere, I don't need a GUI to even be installed on the system where I have all of my cores and RAM for compiling the kernel,

I can use VS Code in the browser: https://github.com/coder/code-server

> it starts up instantly,

I launch my editor once a day. Why do you need to keep killing and starting your editor?

> and it's completely free and open source,

OK, so is VS Code, or at least the OSS version, which has all the key features anyway.

> not driven by a corporation,

So this is your philosophy.

> and there's decades of documentation on how to use it.

Most of it out of date, probably.

> I guess it's the systems developer in me

Guess what? I'm a systems developer too! I also work on the kernel! But I use VS Code.

> that can't fathom someone that wants to use a tool to make a living without understanding it fully and being able to tweak it to their exact liking over the course of their entire career

VS Code is open source, so there's nothing stopping me from diving in if I want to. And it's also highly extensible.

Now that I've answered all the supposed benefits you list about (neo)vim, I have one question:

Can (neo)vim show text in two different font sizes? Or fonts? Like, what if I want my documentation popups to show up in a sans-serif font? No, don't tell me I have to open up the documentation in a browser or whatever. I want it in the popup.

I have recently built a dev server for myself using https://github.com/coder/code-server (VS Code in the browser, hosted on the remote server). With very little effort, you get an always-on dev environment with built in terminal so you don't even have to ssh in if you don't feel like it (if you're happy working within the editor's terminal window pane).

As a bonus, I also setup openvnc, cloudflared (DNS over HTTPS), and pihole. And tmux and mosh of course.

With this setup I can even do my work from an iPad (once you get the VPN setup correctly).

It's nice to be able to reboot my laptop without losing my place in my work.

Another option people may want to consider is hosting a version of Code Server[1]. I do this with my iPad Pro and it has been incredibly convenient.

I even have it configured so that ports can be routed to via my domain, meaning I can do web development with a local server on port 3000 and view it live at 3000.my.domain.tld.

1: https://github.com/coder/code-server

Some things to look at:

    - Kodex
    - GoCoEdit
    - Textastic (pair with Working Copy)
    - Code Editor (unsupported, formerly Coda)
    - Codea
And if you’re online:

    - https://github.com/coder/code-server
(see: https://coder.com/docs/coder/latest/comparison )
I haven't had a chance to test this yet but this is fantastic to see.

Anything like this that progresses the cross-platform remote model that we now have with VSC, particularly if the endpoint is fast and memory-efficient, is really important, because of the variety of dev environments.

What I would _really_ like, of course, is an iPad editor that could do the same.

If you could make an iPad editor that has VSC-style remoting, that is genuinely a killer app right now for a lot of people.

That would be "just enough" editor for me so I could travel for a few days and still do a couple of hours of work here and there, without the laptop commitment.

I am not big on iOS subscription apps and I'm budget-constrained, but I'd pay $50 per year (probably more, and I figure I wouldn't be alone), without hesitation, for a fast remoting iOS editor that had 80% of the functionality of VSCode Remote and had a viable built in browser to avoid the process switch.

The code-server project definitely works for this, but something a bit more native would be amazing.


For PWAs, you can "install" the app to your machine / phone which gives it its own icon and launches it in its own window. This also allows it to override most default shortcuts (Cmd/Ctrl+W, Cmd/Ctrl+T etc.) I use this with https://github.com/coder/code-server on my personal server and it's a way better experience for me than mucking around with SSH / SFTP plugins.
I've been running stuff like code server [1] for some workshop I held recently and I was building simple .NET projects there without any issues.

I wouldn't pay $40/year because the value of having a random instance up with domain/ssl and nginx running all the time has been handy many times so far - worth way more than what I pay for the machine. At this point ngrok would be a downgrade for my use case, but if it was something like 20$/year when I was looking into it I probably wouldn't have bothered setting it up.

[1] https://github.com/coder/code-server

Can Dendron be run in a CodeServer [1] (i.e the VSCode in a browser) instance?

[1]: https://github.com/coder/code-server