Author here. Thanks for all the feedback.

I'm aware that Lapce lacks lots of basic stuff. It's a personal project so the initial set of features and key bindings are tight to my personal preferences.

I'm currently working on the missing pieces, like multi cursor support(in master but not released yet), mouse support, sane default key bindings(probably I'll stick to an existing editor), basic UX etc.

Feel free to submit a feature request or bug report in Github Issues or leave your feedback here.

I haven't had a chance to test this yet but this is fantastic to see.

Anything like this that progresses the cross-platform remote model that we now have with VSC, particularly if the endpoint is fast and memory-efficient, is really important, because of the variety of dev environments.

What I would _really_ like, of course, is an iPad editor that could do the same.

If you could make an iPad editor that has VSC-style remoting, that is genuinely a killer app right now for a lot of people.

That would be "just enough" editor for me so I could travel for a few days and still do a couple of hours of work here and there, without the laptop commitment.

I am not big on iOS subscription apps and I'm budget-constrained, but I'd pay $50 per year (probably more, and I figure I wouldn't be alone), without hesitation, for a fast remoting iOS editor that had 80% of the functionality of VSCode Remote and had a viable built in browser to avoid the process switch.

The code-server project definitely works for this, but something a bit more native would be amazing.