Unfortunately this comes with a limit. Termux, by extension proot, is using strace to modify syscall to rewrite UID and GID as root and root. Think Usernetes and fakeroot for a moment.

The immediate side effect is some applications like Cargo build will sometimes fail to build artifacts randomly, and you still can't access dmesg and most of the procfs.

You also won't have Mesa 3D acceleration on Termux too. I would also suggest replacing VNC with X11 forwarding since it should be faster and we can technically use UDS.

You will also need to disable the phantom process killer in Android 12 if you want to run something practical. I ran vscode remote because Jetbrains Gateway failed to run on Termux

Just dropping in to second VSCode remote (assuming you meant code-server). My T480's display shot itself and I put Termux+code-server on a tablet I had lying around. Aside from the cramped Bluetooth keyboard, I had my full editing experience (even the embedded terminal in VSCode worked). Really stunning how far mobile work has come.

(I'm on a ThinkPad E14 now though. Missed the trackpoint too much :3)

> Just dropping in to second VSCode remote (assuming you meant code-server).

Yes and no. It is the native VSCode remote server (a closed source Microsoft version using SSH: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh), but it is also called code-server, which is often confused with coder's code-server (https://github.com/coder/code-server)