I will never understand why people choose VSCode/Jetbrains over a terminal based editor. I can edit the kernel with clangd and get hover reference, autocomplete, go to def, ref, dec, smart refactor, and that's on top of being able to easily jump and fix lint/bugs using Vim's already great support for parsing compiler errors. With term added (which is a core Vim feature) it also has excellent support for gdb debugging. I am very glad that neovim is also making things EVEN BETTER with tree sitter and baked in LSP support.

So I get 98-100% of what an IDE gives me, I can use my editor over ssh and edit anywhere, I don't need a GUI to even be installed on the system where I have all of my cores and RAM for compiling the kernel, it starts up instantly, and it's completely free and open source, not driven by a corporation, and there's decades of documentation on how to use it.


I really don't understand the comments of "I will literally not spend a single minute configuring my editor". I guess it's the systems developer in me that can't fathom someone that wants to use a tool to make a living without understanding it fully and being able to tweak it to their exact liking over the course of their entire career.

I personally consider my investment into Vim one of the best I ever made. If dumb college me can do it in a few weekends, you can do it. I recently setup Emacs and got it to the same level as my Vim usage in about two days of tinkering just for fun. Then again, I suppose some people are just here for the money and want to clock in and clock out as fast as possible. I really wish I could share with you the joy of tinkering, learning, and growing your knowledge about how these wonderful machines work.

> I can use my editor over ssh and edit anywhere, I don't need a GUI to even be installed on the system where I have all of my cores and RAM for compiling the kernel,

I can use VS Code in the browser: https://github.com/coder/code-server

> it starts up instantly,

I launch my editor once a day. Why do you need to keep killing and starting your editor?

> and it's completely free and open source,

OK, so is VS Code, or at least the OSS version, which has all the key features anyway.

> not driven by a corporation,

So this is your philosophy.

> and there's decades of documentation on how to use it.

Most of it out of date, probably.

> I guess it's the systems developer in me

Guess what? I'm a systems developer too! I also work on the kernel! But I use VS Code.

> that can't fathom someone that wants to use a tool to make a living without understanding it fully and being able to tweak it to their exact liking over the course of their entire career

VS Code is open source, so there's nothing stopping me from diving in if I want to. And it's also highly extensible.

Now that I've answered all the supposed benefits you list about (neo)vim, I have one question:

Can (neo)vim show text in two different font sizes? Or fonts? Like, what if I want my documentation popups to show up in a sans-serif font? No, don't tell me I have to open up the documentation in a browser or whatever. I want it in the popup.