What does HackerNews think of colima?
Container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup
Extremely quick to stand up a single node cluster, or many types of VMs in lima.
limactl start template://k3s
https://github.com/abiosoft/colima colima start --kubernetes
The tools are a bit rough around the edges if you try and do something outside of the happy path with them. Nothing bad as such, just the user experience isn't as seamless when say running the VMs on custom, addressable host networks or managing vms with launchd.I switch between Colima[0] and OrbStack[1] and have multiple Colima virtualization profiles[2] (one with `vz`, one without), resulting in multiple Docker contexts. I have a function that I’ve written to set docker host, but I have to remember to clear it after I’m done using lazydocker and a couple of other tools (dive, I think).
function set-docker-host
command -sq docker
and command -sq jq
or return 1
set -l host (
docker context ls --format '{{ . | json }}' |
jq -sr '.[] | select(.Current == true) | .DockerEndpoint'
or return 1
set -gx DOCKER_HOST $host
The bash/zsh equivalent wouldn't be too hard, but I use fish.[0] https://github.com/abiosoft/colima, https://hn.algolia.com/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fabiosof...
[1] https://orbstack.dev [3], https://hn.algolia.com/?q=https%3A%2F%2Forbstack.dev
[2] https://github.com/abiosoft/colima#customizing-the-vm and https://github.com/abiosoft/colima/blob/main/docs/FAQ.md#edi...
[3] I’m on OrbStack now, but it isn’t so much better at how I use Docker than Colima is that I think that it’s an instant buy, especially with the planned subscription model. If I used anything other than the Docker integration, I might think it's better, but as of right now, no.
I also have some issues with its insistence on asking for elevated permissions. I will never grant permission[4] to make a symlink to the "standard" Docker socket; context and `$DOCKER_HOST` work well enough. It should not ask if the permission hasn't been given once. I also worry about other "advanced" features that may need an elevated permissions helper[5].
[4] https://github.com/orbstack/orbstack/issues/281#issuecomment...
[5] https://github.com/orbstack/orbstack/issues/281#issuecomment... and following
* Github: https://github.com/lima-vm/lima
* Talks: https://github.com/lima-vm/lima/blob/master/docs/talks.md
Also see
* sshocker: ssh + reverse sshfs + port forwarder, in Docker-like CLI (predecessor of Lima), https://github.com/lima-vm/sshocker
* Lima-GUI: https://github.com/afbjorklund/lima-gui
* Colima: https://github.com/abiosoft/colima
That said, after I denied it, when I go to Settings it says Telemetry: Enabled, even though the checkbox to enable it is unchecked. I have no idea which reflects my current settings.
Furthermore, after I selected to "Initialize Podman", the switcher is still in the "off" position. If I click it again, it says the VM already exists. I'm not sure how to stop it, or if it's even actually running.
I'll stick with colima [0] for now as it's simple, easy, with not telemetry, and I always know what's its state.
Here's an article about it: How Colima is a good alternative to Docker Desktop ( https://kumojin.com/en/colima-alternative-docker-desktop/ )
I'm using Colima together with DDEV ( https://ddev.com ) to create and run PHP projects (webserver + db) in containers. Clean, very easy to use, and fast.
On a personal note, I find the menu bar icon useful to see whether the VM is running and to pause/resume it (a functionality that none of the alternatives have).
Just do a 'colima start' once a month when I actually have to reboot my mac, to boot up the background VM, and everything else basically runs as normal.
It would probably be nice to hear more about why you think this is! I've certainly heard of some having to move away from Docker Desktop.
However, at the scale where you need a license (250 employees or 10 million $ in annual revenue) it's not quite as big of an issue, especially at their current pricing per seat: https://www.docker.com/pricing/
> stick to standard open source tools like Colima etc...
Sticking to open source is a great idea!
I think mentioning that Colima runs on macOS and Linux only at the moment is also a good idea: https://github.com/abiosoft/colima
A large market share of the Docker Desktop installs are Windows in particular (since it's "the one way" how most install Docker nowadays, as opposed to not really needing a GUI or the supporting tools on Linux).
In another comment I mentioned Podman Desktop as a mostly viable alternative: https://github.com/containers/podman-desktop
Then there's also Rancher Desktop as well: https://github.com/rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop
Regardless, it's nice to see reputable orgs behind the open source projects as well, which gives a bit more credence to their chances of surviving for the years to come.
Neither sound like "applications I really enjoy". More like applications you suffer.
> And many others, really.
How about examples?
[0] https://github.com/abiosoft/colima/
[1] https://www.arthurkoziel.com/replacing-docker-desktop-for-ma...
I'm on an M1 mac, and it's nice to be able to debug both arm64/x86_64 in the same toolchain (via QEMU virtualization).
A try, I’ve been using it for a few months on both m1 and x64.
It works really well.
Which also is built on top of lima.
It’s been great, some network wonkiness, and works on m1 perfectly.
The rancher devs have been contributing back to the project helping improve both.
Here are a couple links I found about it: * https://www.cnbeining.com/2021/09/using-docker-and-docker-co... * https://gist.github.com/pmbaumgartner/b08a34f73afcd9b29227a4...
I also recently found out about colima, but haven't tried it out. * https://github.com/abiosoft/colima