Treesitter and eglot are excellent. I am moving from vscode back to emacs and do far it’s been a great experience. Should’ve done that a long time ago.

Off-topic: what is an emacs quality alternative for docker? It’s such a piece of garbage for something so pervasive.

What aspects of Docker trouble you so?

I use containers on Mac and Windows for development (and we deploy on linux). Docker for Mac is _unusably_ slow in my experience. The VM that it runs is a giant resource hog and a battery hog, and doesn't support ipv6 [0] Docker Desktop itself is (another) resource hog, wildly buggy, and painfully slow. It's the epitome of "shitty electron app".

On windows, docker desktop has all of the same issues as it does on mac. Docker's concept of volumes and file permissions on windows are nonsense. Windows updates and Docker Desktop regularly decide to disagree, [1] It's networking support interferes with other applications (like OpenVPN and the Xbox Game Center) [2].




I was typing this on my phone, but yes. This. Thanks!

To add: Mac OS X docker actually, after a while, without errors, stops responding to running dockers and you cannot remove them without reboot. It’s total garbage, but cannot move from it as everyone uses it.

So, emacs-stable alternative for docker. Maybe that should be a movement; emacs-alternative-for. I have many already; software that is fast, can run for months/years and doesn’t get slow vs stuff you need to actually reboot for to run ok. I mean emacs is bloated (yeah right, compared to whatever others are pushing out?) but disk space, even sdd is almost free; it simply runs for months without memory growth or performance degradation. The only reason I stop it because of reboot for sec updates.

I've been using Colima (which uses Lima, and QEMU under the hood) and it works fine for me.