I was running a Lenovo p15v with fedora before changing over to m1 pro MacBook. The hardware is nice, but to be honest it's not much of a speed up over my Lenovo so I'm giving it more time.

Docker is definitely a lot slower

I have read of massive performance improvement with Linux on m1pro though so it might be a swap to that when more distros are available.

Question is, has MacOS become bloated or not had attention to performance to make best use of the new hardware?

It's worth at least setting up a Linux VM for Docker. The performance improvement is huge and well worth the hassle. This works today; don't necessarily need to switch to running Linux on the metal. I don't think it's really about macOS, I think Docker Desktop just sucks.

This is quite surprising and interesting to me. Can you provide links where I can read about this and/or try getting it set up for myself?

I can't speak to GP's claims about performance because I never used Docker Desktop, but I use lima [1] with colima [2] as my docker host. It's dead easy to set up: `brew install colima` followed by `colima start`.

1: https://github.com/lima-vm/lima

2: https://github.com/abiosoft/colima