What does HackerNews think of kompose?

Convert Compose to Kubernetes

Language: Go

#16 in Docker
#15 in Go
#7 in Kubernetes
App Service won't allow the level of privilege needed to start the "head" container that enables container-in-container to work. Options like `--privileged` and `--cap SYS_ADMIN` or mounting special volumes from the host are the first step on "how to escape from a container" so shared container services don't allow them. The options might be more allowable in your own App Service Environment but I don't think the API is even there to set the options in the first place.

Container-in-container also pushes a number of responsibilities from the the App Service down into the head container, like ingress, service management, health, logging etc. You might as well run compose/swarm on your own VM(s) than reinvent those wheels.

AKS + kompose might be a not too bad option. AKS can deploy on the private vnet and can do private endpoints. The cluster will probably fall over once a year for but it will mostly manage itself. If you leave k8s to auto upgrade, run a microk8s instance as a test env somewhere and it will hit the upgrade issues before AKS releases a k8s version.

- https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose

- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/private-clusters...

You can give a shot at kompose (https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose) It will convert your docker-compose.yml to kubernetes automatically
This is pretty neat.

Since a new server is launched for every preview, it would be cool if the packaging used cloud-init vs docker-compose.

If containers are a focus perhaps you could support k8s deployment/svc manifests and compose via something like https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose

For k8s you could quickly launch a single node cluster with kind

Setting up a kubernetes cluster itself is probably the biggest hurdle. Also, bear in mind if it's just for a single service the resource overhead of kubernetes may be significant, possibly even more than 50%.

I'd strongly recommend using a hosted k8s - either GKE, EKS, or I believe digital ocean have just released one.

If you want to use an existing VPS just to test it out, see the docs here https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-...

Once you have the cluster running, kompose[1] might be a nice tool if you're used to using docker-compose, however I'd say just use it as a guideline - you'll probably want to rewrite most of what it generates at one point or another

[1] https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose

ingress+overlay network confusion was the reason why we moved from k8s to Docker Swarmkit.

I still keep hoping for kubernetes kompose (https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose) to bring the simplicity of Docker Swarmkit to k8s.

Or will Docker Infrakit bring creeping sophistication first and eat kuberentes lunch ? (https://github.com/docker/infrakit/pull/601)