I am setting up a swarm deployment of one of my apps as an experiment and I must say the learning curve is hardly there. I tried kubernetes, but I found that most resources that try to explain how it works are focussing too much on github-size deployments. I just want 2 instances of my app, a database and traefik with lets encrypt. Does anyone know of a proper resource for the 'just a tad more than dokku' size?

Setting up a kubernetes cluster itself is probably the biggest hurdle. Also, bear in mind if it's just for a single service the resource overhead of kubernetes may be significant, possibly even more than 50%.

I'd strongly recommend using a hosted k8s - either GKE, EKS, or I believe digital ocean have just released one.

If you want to use an existing VPS just to test it out, see the docs here https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-...

Once you have the cluster running, kompose[1] might be a nice tool if you're used to using docker-compose, however I'd say just use it as a guideline - you'll probably want to rewrite most of what it generates at one point or another

[1] https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose