Tangentially related but hopefully someone one HN can help me out.

I want to try using Kubernetes with my current project. I've built it using Docker and docker-compose. My compose file currently has four services (web, db, dbadmin, and reverse proxy). I am using a flask app for the web container, postgres for db, pgadmin for the dbadmin, and traefik for the reverse proxy.

I am currently running the above stack on a single host using `docker-compose up`. I like how docker-compose creates a network for me where I can access other containers by their container name.

For my own education, I would like to try deploying this with Kubernetes. Specifically I am interested in learning how to spin up multiple web containers that all talk to the same postgres container.

Can someone let me know if I am thinking about Kubernetes correctly, and if so some good resources for me to learn how to deploy by stack with it?