Docker the file format/command line syntax/etc will long outlive Docker the company

Kubernetes “won” so now the competition has shifted from who can innovate to who can execute and operate.

Genuine question - what makes you think that Kubernetes has won?

Genuine question - what makes you think that Kubernetes has won?

Well, "won" in quotes. I am not a k8s fanboy or anything, I simply observe that all the major cloud providers are offering managed k8s services that have superseded their own proprietary container-type offerings. For better or worse that's where the momentum is. If you wanted to containerize your stack right now, k8s then pick one of the big 3, seems like a safe bet.

I've noticed the same trend, and as a fan of Docker Swarm, along with this news, I'm not happy about it.

Compared to Kubernetes, Swarm is a breeze to setup, deploy and manage. The manifest files are the same Docker Compose files we're used to, just expanded to cover the new stack concepts. It has support for remote storage mounting, advanced networking configuration, various interesting volume and network plugins[0], and is generally a pain-free experience to use (from my admittedly short time with both).

Kubernetes is a fine product. It's just a shame Swarm doesn't seem to have the same traction.

Can someone share their Swarm experience in production, possibly compared to k8s?


Do you know if there are any good tools for migrating your manifest/compose yaml files to k8s, especially using more recent features such as configs and secrets?