What does HackerNews think of huginn?

Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!

Language: Ruby

#1 in Monitoring
#1 in Twitter
Huginn is an another useful tool that allows you to wrangle CSS selectors and XPath nodes to create RSS feeds.

I use it quite successfully to get data out of undocumented APIs and out into RSS.


"not a single word about the safety implications of such a system"

Oh please. Not everything has to be regulated-to-hells before a use case is even found on this. Autonomous agents have existed for decades.

If it can automate agents like huginn[0] with natural language, I'd be very happy. Autonomous agents doesn't mean it's going to take over the world autonomously. Let's lower the fearmongering a bit.

[0]: https://github.com/huginn/huginn

This is really interesting. I especially like the use of actors.

If you think of the Win32 API message loop then you can kind of think of each program and GUI as a mesh of independent actors with inboxes that communicate user GUI events to backend server actor that does CPU work or network work in the background.

I think this is an easy to understand architecture. If you think of it as MVC but what would be a method call in MVC is actually a cross thread event queue between server threads and client GUI threads.

Where GUIs get complicated and hard for me to read the code for is all the state management and complexity of components of the GUI itself. I wouldn't want to be tasked with implementing Qt or GTK.

The actor idea reminds me of programmatic "agents" or bots that work on your behalf on a schedule or in response to events (messages) such as Huginn.

The idea of plugging GUI components together so they interoperate is really interesting. COM and XPCOM is an example of this in practice for communication between applications (and the GUI) The DOM is an example of it too! You can insert arbitrary blocks in Notion or Obsidian or COM objects in Word documents.


I like the process viewer on the right hand side. Would be nice to be capable of visualisation what the applications are doing.

Windmill looks cool! I've always wanted to write something like Huginn [1] available as a single binary.

Can I ask, what were the benefits of writing a new workflow engine instead of building around Temporal?

1 - https://github.com/huginn/huginn

I think what’s needed is a robust bunch of primitives that users can easily combine to do many things. As with any organic system, I would expect the availability of capabilities to spur creativity, the Emacs ecosystem being a great case in point.

But to try and give a more direct answer to your question: I often want to download/backup or otherwise programmatically process content that I routinely interact with online (this could be playlists, emails, messages, whatever). Another interesting example pertains to the “agents” available in “Huginn”: https://github.com/huginn/huginn

It would be nice if more such capabilities were integrated into the browser (or other common operating tools).

You could hack that together with huginn pretty easily


> Without doing this, you can’t install add ons from the store.

Usually you can do it yourself, because yes they are just docker containers. I don't use them myself as I don't find much use for most of them. The more important addon tool is HACS and that works in the stand alone docker container.

> But from there, it seemed extremely GUI oriented… I had to install an add on just to see my config files

Yes it's very GUI focused now, you can usually get to the basic yaml config in any screen though if you click through to manually configue that component. This was generally done because the yaml config method was a pain even for the tech literate... because yaml.

If you want proper code in HomeAssistant have a look at AppDaemon https://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/HASS_TUTORIAL.htm... Makes it easy to use Python in HomeAssistant.

Alternatively there is Node-red https://nodered.org/ (js visual node programing automation) and huginn https://github.com/huginn/huginn (Python automation)

They will never offer as much integration as HA so I tend to find using HA as a dashboard/device integrator and then Node-red/AppDaemon for the actual automations to be more optimal.

I imagine you could whip something together using huginn which is an open source IFTTT/Zapier alternative


I use and self-host the opensource tool – huginn. [1]

I have an agent that watches the RSS feed for replies to my username.[2] Then the huginn agent sends me an email when new replies come in. The beautiful thing is, I can quickly change one setting and throttle down the emails. Only getting an email with a summary of all replies, every X hours, if I want.

[1] https://github.com/huginn/huginn

[2] https://hnrss.github.io/

Missed this reply--I use camelcamelcamel for Amazon. I'm not sure if they are able to handle the click-to-get-discount check boxes, though. I also don't know how timely they are.

I've considered setting up Huginn to do this, but haven't explored it enough: https://github.com/huginn/huginn

Maybe Huggin can do some of what you are interested in? https://github.com/huginn/huginn It also sounds sort of similar to Node red though that is primarily based around iot and api processing and routing.
I'm curious if anyone has tried [huginn](https://github.com/huginn/huginn) or [beehive](https://github.com/muesli/beehive) or similar, and whether or not these work well for programmers?
Check out IFTTT (https://ifttt.com) or Huginn (https://github.com/huginn/huginn). They're similar but not quite.

An underlying assumption with Yahoo Pipes was that interesting places on the Internet would offer APIs which have a developer UX that matches or exceeds the quality of their official UI. A mixture of unprofitability and abuse lead to this no longer being the case. Tom Scott's essay here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxV14h0kFs0

I've been using webhook.site for my webhooks. The no-nonsense simplicity just gets me.

Meaning to try out this OSS alternative for a while: https://github.com/huginn/huginn

Thought of posting it here—maybe someone finds it useful.

For all those who tried using Node-RED and couldn't get along with the visual "pipe" paradigm of programming it, Huginn [0] is an excellent alternative.

0. https://github.com/huginn/huginn

I did something similar with Kijiji in Montreal to find a decently priced apartment. It ended up working quite nicely and I found a 3 1/2 lease transfer well located in an older building for 700$. I've since employed it for other items that I kind of want, but not enough to trawl through Kijiji regularly for.

For reference it was easy to set up because Kijiji thankfully still has RSS and getting timely notifications through Huginn https://github.com/huginn/huginn and Pushover was simple.

Facebook classifieds seems to ve eating the market a bit, I haven't tried scraping fb, I imagine there are barriers, is this true?

After I quit Twitter a few months ago, I set up a private instance of Nitter[0], and use Huginn[1] to forward posts from it to an instance of Pleroma[2].

Which reminds me, I need to clean up and publish my Huginn agent for posting to Mastodon/Pleroma. :)

(Nitter supports RSS, so you could probably use a regular RSS reader instead of Huginn/Pleroma. But I also configured some other, non-RSS, content in my feed.)

[0] https://github.com/zedeus/nitter [1] https://github.com/huginn/huginn [2] https://pleroma.social/

Huginn [0] is also very powerful, free, and open source. You can run it locally, in a VPS, or on Heroku for free.

I pay for IFTTT Pro, but I still use Huginn for things that IFTTT can't do, and I highly recommend it.

I've tried Node-Red and while it can definitely do the job, I couldn't get along with it.

0. https://github.com/huginn/huginn

Huginn has existed for years: https://github.com/huginn/huginn

It also runs on a free-tier Heroku Dyno.

I used IFTT for quite a while but eventually moved over to Huginn (https://github.com/huginn/huginn) because it fit my needs a little better. I've been over the moon with it so far and really like how it's event driven.

I'm glad to see they're still doing well, and I'd still recommend them to non-technical friends but huginn is a lot more enjoyable to use and I found it really simple on a day-to-day basis.



Those projects already exist, you are probably better off contributiing to existing ones rather than creating a new one.

This reminds me, I've been meaning to set up a Huginn install to test out. I don't really have a use for it at the moment, but I think more people in this thread would find it interesting. They describe it as:

> Think of it as a hackable version of IFTTT or Zapier on your own server.


We used Zapier at a previous startup to automate some gsuite tasks. It's really nice because it comes with monitoring and non-developers can edit/re-configure them if needed. It's expensive but headache free.

You can find huginn[1] & n8n[2] interesting.

https://github.com/huginn/huginn https://n8n.io/

well there's a bunch.

Flogo - https://github.com/tibcosoftware/flogo

Huginn - https://github.com/huginn/huginn

DataFire - https://github.com/DataFire/DataFire

And yes, none of them as complicated as Zapier, which is kind of running a monopoly iPass, exploiting each integration provider.

For a self hosted Yahoo Pipes alternative I’d recommend checking out Huginn - it’s been featured on HN a couple of times and the creator is tectonic@HN


I just set up something similar for myself with Huginn [0], took a bit to figure out how it works but I've been liking short daily summaries. This definitely would have been faster/prettier though.

[0] https://github.com/huginn/huginn

You can see the discussions under my main comment. Pretty much just make a slack workspace and start finding integrations for services you use. Zapier for one makes it super easy to filter out what can get to you from these but I'm seeing good things about https://github.com/huginn/huginn now.
I posted the same thing on a similar thread yesterday but if you're looking to build some scrapers and listeners and make it easy for yourself I'd highly recommend Huginn (https://github.com/huginn/huginn). I set it up a few months back and I've been using it to scrape all sorts of info and alert me on things. IE:

* A change in GBP -> NOK exchange rate, to indicate if it's a good time to buy ready for my next trip to Norway.

* Alerts on flight prices to help me purchase flights when they're at their cheapest.

* Daily digest email with content I'm interested in from HN and some web comics.

* A summary of new content coming into my RSS reader.

It works really well for this sort of stuff and I found it fairly easy to get up and running.

Take a look at Huginn [0], it's very powerful with the existing agents for taking input, parsing, and outputting data to different locations.

I use it mainly for when I can't do things in IFTTT or have sensitive things I'd prefer to keep in a self-hosted system.

0. https://github.com/huginn/huginn

About six months ago I came across Huginn [1] for the third or fourth time and finally decided to give it a shot. I've absolutely loved it so far! The docs aren't always great for each agent, but I've never struggled for too long before figuring it out. I'm currently using it for:

* Scraping HN search for new appearances of projects I work on, and immedietely alerting me via email.

* Checking the frontpage of HN for topics I'm interested in, and adding it into my daily digest email.

* Pulling in Commit Strip and XKCD comics when they're posted and adding them to my daily digest email.

* Sending me a notification in the morning if it's going to rain.

* Giving me and my friends the cheapest flight price for a group holiday we're planning. It scans google flights daily so we can watch it tick down over time and decide when to buy.

* Sending me notifications if there's a significant drop in the currency for the country we're going to so I can purchase some at the best price.

* Adding the names of people who RSVP to my wedding into my daily digest email so I can keep a pulse on the final guest list.

Hopefully I'll get a few more ideas from this thread as well!

[1] Huginn - https://github.com/huginn/huginn

I think I stumbled upon huginn's [1] repo on GH while searching for startup ideas.

[1] https://github.com/huginn/huginn

I realize I'm well late to this discussion, but Huginn seems to be a good tool for this: https://github.com/huginn/huginn
This one looks promising from an open source alternative that you can host locally:


To scratch a similar itch today, I self-host (well, on Heroku) an instance of Huginn (https://github.com/huginn/huginn). It's a bit of a different model, but works nicely. It's also pretty straightforward to extend by adding your own agents (especially if you know ruby/rails, which it is written in).
I do have some, the most interesting ones running in Huginn https://github.com/huginn/huginn

I use it for some data gathering and most importantly, notifications and a 'personal newsletter'.

There are quite a few people in this thread that wrote things that send notifications to them; my setup kinda goes the other direction, because I don't want to be constantly spammed and nagged by my own bots.

So for instance, there are some software projects I want to keep up with, but I neither want to be interrupted by notifications, nor do I want to have a bunch of spam in my RSS reader. So I set Huginn up to watch some RSSs, some webs and instagrams and things like that, collects them, and then sends me one summary mail every two days.

Similarly, I also get one Pushbullet notification with all the headlines from a news portal every day.

Huginn is great, you guys.

Although I've been using Pushover[0], a paid service, instead of Gotify, I found a really cool project to pair a push-notification service with is huginn[1], which allows you to program bots to do things on cron jobs, among other really powerful actions.

[0] https://pushover.net/ [1] https://github.com/huginn/huginn

If you'd prefer an open-source equivalent of Zapier, have a look at https://github.com/huginn/huginn
For example with Docker Swarm: http://container-solutions.com/rolling-updates-with-docker-s...

Some companies have GitLab workflows that also deploy successfull builds automatically, checks are there problems in that deploy, and rollbacks automatically when needed: https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/473?autostart=fa...

Such workflows could also be made with for example: - Huginn https://github.com/huginn/huginn - Flogo http://www.flogo.io

Although a fun activity, do not set high expectations out of personal automation. I think the quoted XKCD [1] (also [2]) strip illustrates the glory and peril of personal automation enough.

Automation makes most sense in the true context where it belongs, "business." Automating a complicated e-mail marketing process with targeting, statistics and all makes sense because you need tens of thousands of instances of that process to be executed to create business value.

Except for rare idiosyncratic use cases, spending time in personal automation is more of a hobbyist and educational activity. Further, if the use case is not "that" rare, there is almost always "an app for that" anyway. Therefore, have no high expectations out of that.

With that disclaimer in mind, if you are into it, check out the open-source project Huginn [3] that can "Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf." for personal automation. Lastly, the industry standard of cloud API integration currently might be Zapier [4], which has more integrations, (business) battle-tested features compared to end-user oriented IFTTT.


1: https://xkcd.com/1319/

2: https://xkcd.com/1205/

3: https://github.com/huginn/huginn

4: https://zapier.com

I trained a least-squares linear regression model to predict the 'sharability' of a given sale using n-gram feature hashing on data I scraped, applied weights and normalized by percentile, from social media sites.

It's built using Huginn[0], Azure ML[1], and Wordpress.

If anyone has any suggestions to improve the model, or really anything else, please feel free to comment or drop me an email at [email protected]

[0]:https://github.com/huginn/huginn [1]:https://studio.azureml.net

Not OP, but I'm doing something similar with huginn [0]; I use it to scrape deals and sent POST requests to an Azure ml web service, which is output as RSS.

[0]: https://github.com/huginn/huginn

Huginn -- it's like your own IFTTT but much more powerful and customizable


Hi, I'm current maintainer of Wekan.

Wekan has API and Outgoing Webhooks, but they are different than Trello:


Is it possible to use Trello extensions and integrate them with only Trello API ? And is it allowed to use Trello extensions outside Trello ? Or would they require separate integration to Wekan ?

For example on Trello templates can not be used outside Trello:


For general integration (similar to Zapier) there is plan to use Open Source tool Huginn:



Hi, I was hoping to get some feedback for my MVP.

I'm currently using a least-squares linear regression model trained with n-gram (unigrams) feature hashing, based on various social media metrics, with a heavy weight on sharing. It spits out a number between 1-50, with 25 being the most common.

Pretty much everything is automated with Huginn[0]: web scraping, data formatting, interaction with Azure ML[1], all of which is fed into a wordpress install using the pluginhunt[2] theme.

Let me know what you think!

[0]: https://github.com/huginn/huginn [1]: https://studio.azureml.net/ [2]: https://epicthemes.com/product/plugin-hunt-theme/

I'm aggregating flash sales and sending post requests to azure ml using huginn. It's a work in progress, but huginn seems to be working well. Also considering giving nifi a go, but the setup seems a bit over my head.



My favorite tool for finding software alternatives is alternativeto.net, which returns these alternatives for Zapier: https://alternativeto.net/software/zapier/

Most promising on that list is Huginn (https://github.com/huginn/huginn) which looks like exactly what you want.