I was recently looking for a simpler alternative to Temporal (https://temporal.io/) so this could be ideal. If you could add instructions for self-hosting it (_sounds_ like you just need an Express server, but I would guess some backend persistent store/database/queue too) that would be great. The Webhook catalog only lists Github: I think integrating with Stripe would be neat. Like, when someone pays an invoice, Stripe calls a webhook. That could trigger an action.

We do this at windmill https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill, including self-hosting instructions and pre-made integrations with stripe

Does windmill have any way of going into code, without it basically becoming "code in a input box". The developer first solution trigger.dev have here is really scratching a real problem. But as they say they are not for the easiest workflows. I'm really looking for something that is gui first but as a drop down to code when you want. But inline code editor, let me save it to a git repo or similar. And don't have globals aka zapiers inputData and output.

> I'm really looking for something that is gui first but as a drop down to code when you want. But inline code editor, let me save it to a git repo or similar.

That's like, exactly what we are, take a look at this screenshot for instance: https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill/blob/main/imgs/win...

As for syncing code to git, we do it as well through our CLI and Github Actions: https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill-sync-example

Windmill looks cool! I've always wanted to write something like Huginn [1] available as a single binary.

Can I ask, what were the benefits of writing a new workflow engine instead of building around Temporal?

1 - https://github.com/huginn/huginn