What does HackerNews think of awesome-elixir?

A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates:

Language: Elixir

Thanks for the note, it's changed to underscore now. Regarding the "ex" prefix, it's a common pattern for Elixir libraries. https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir
And, by my estimate, Django has been around ~9 years longer than Phoenix.

Comparing DjangoPackages[0] and awesome-elixir[1], sure you could say "there's an elixir package for everything", but how battle-tested are they? How well-maintained are they?

If someone is trying to decide between Django and Phoenix, I am not sure how likely it is that the individual would have the necessary Elixir/BEAM experience to be confident in dropping-in erlang libraries.

[0] https://djangopackages.org/ [1] https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir

Elixir/Phoenix feels like Rails back in 2008 when we built one of the largest Rails app. It will take time for the community to develop.

That being said, my company has been using Elixir/Phoenix for three years and while many times there isn't a library for Elixir, often times there is already a stable Erlang library we can use.

https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir is a great source.

We have also changed our habit from looking for third-party libraries to either building our own module which we discovered they are fairly easier to build than we thought, or coming up with alternate solutions that built on top of the powerful Elixir/Erlang technology (e.g. OTP).

I think that the package ecosystem is well developed, and getting better every day. For the most common things, there's already packages out there. You want to talk to a database? Use Ecto. You want to check code quality? Use Credo. You want to respond using JSONAPI? Use ja_serializer. You want to talk over HTTP to something? Well there's two main options out there (HTTPotion and HTTPoison).

If you can't find a package then you could try looking it up at https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir or asking on the elixir slack (https://elixir-slackin.herokuapp.com/) or on the #elixir-lang channel on Freenode.

After all that if you can't find a package that suits your needs then it's very easy to create one. "mix new (your project)" and away you go.

That's what I did with my elastic package (https://github.com/radar/elastic) when I couldn't quite find something that suited my exact needs. There's Elastix and Tirexs out there (those are the ones I know of) but neither really suited what I needed, so I just built my own.

I don't know how it could be a deal breaker if a package didn't exist already. I'd encourage you to build whatever you don't find already existing and contribute back to the community.

Also check out the awesome-elixir list: https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir
Pluralsight have an introduction/overview: https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/meet-elixir

There's a great list on GitHub of various resources, books, libraries etc: https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir

A step-by-step guide to building a website with Elixir & Phoenix: http://phoenix.thefirehoseproject.com/

And a paid introductory course: http://elixirsips.com/

For auth I forked my own build of the Passport hex. For uploads I used the Arc hex, and for SSL I used Letsencrypt though I eventually realized that Heroku charges $20/mo for SSL and I'm not accepting anything like credit cards yet so it hasn't warranted the expense. Awesome-elixir is a great source for libraries, and it's had everything I needed so far:


I built a side project in Phoenix (http://www.peergym.com) and was impressed how fast the community has adopted to creating solutions - everything from authentication to geolocation is covered.

If you're curious to try Phoenix but feel like the ecosystem is too bare bones, you should check out awesome-elixir, which grows every day!


First, I don't think that Rails (and similar) will become obsolete in a few years. Personally, if it's a serious project, I would go with the stack you know the best.

Now, if you're willing to learn something new, I would recommend that you try Phoenix http://phoenixframework.org/. It similar to Rails in structure, and Elixir (built on top of Erlang VM) is also similar to Ruby (syntax-wise).

Some helpful resources:



Is this inspired by the Elixir collection of links found here:


There's also a ton of great stuff highlighted at Awesome Elixir [1] and Awesome Erlang [2]

[1] https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir [2] https://github.com/drobakowski/awesome-erlang

Great! Looking forward for the talk.

I was just searching around and was surprised to find there are lot, like a lot of libraries already that could potentially save more time


For anyone looking to learn more about Elixir/Erlang, here's a dump of links that I posted recently to the local Atlanta Elixir Meetup group.

Roughly in the order I'd recommend consuming them.

Dave Thomas - Power of Erlang, Joy of Ruby - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lww1aZ-ldz0

Dave Thomas Elixirconf Keynote - Think Different- http://www.confreaks.com/videos/4119-elixirconf2014-opening-...

elixir-lang.org tutorial - http://elixir-lang.org/getting_started/1.html

Programming Elixir - https://pragprog.com/book/elixir/programming-elixir

Awesome Elixir - Curated list of great libraries - https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir

Elixir In Action - http://www.manning.com/juric/

Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good - http://learnyousomeerlang.com/

Erlang and OTP In Action - http://www.manning.com/logan/

I haven't had a chance to read McCords new book, but having read his code and interacted with him a fair bit in #elixir-lang the last few months I can only assume I'll be adding it to the bottom of this list as an important intermediary step to becoming proficient in Elixir along with learning OTP.