Nice blog post, it was concise and to the point!
Saw this tweet[1] yesterday
"DHH just admitted he stole ideas from #elixir and @elixirphoenix to create ActionCable @railsconf"
Seems like elixirphoenix is on a right path! This tempted me to look into elixir and phoenix.
My Question: How do you think phoenix can save time for a web developer or a team of web developer?
Most of the time, I hear people talking about how fast their language or framework is. I think at the end of the day, all that matters is a tool that saves time (of frustration and redundancy) without any side effects. And you just wrote about one of the pain points -- deployment.
My ElixirConfEU talk should help answer these questions once it goes live in a few weeks. To answer them now, we have generators, like Rails, for scaffolding resources, except we split them into html and json. So you can do `mix phoenix.gen.html ...` to bootstrap a model, migrations, forms, templates, controller, etc, but you can also do `mix phoenix.gen.json ...` and it will do the same but bootstrap the controller and view for a JSON endpoint. We also ship with live-reloading in development, so you save your Elixir templates, css, js, etc, and the browser reloads/recompiles without a refresh. Outside of those things, our Channels layer that Rails is borrowing from makes it trivial for realtime clients. You don't have to worry about the transport layer (WebSocket/Longpolling/etc) and the client takes care of automatic reconnects. Once 1.1 ships, we also will support replaying missed messages b/w disconnects, which can be time consuming/tricky to get right on your own. Beyond what Phoenix offers, Elixir and OTP provide a distributed platform out of the box. So automatic failover, service distribution, clustering, are all baked in, which should be considered when evaluating X vs Y. Hope that helps!
I was just searching around and was surprised to find there are lot, like a lot of libraries already that could potentially save more time