I hope this not too off topic, but are there any stand out tutorials for learning Phoenix and/or Rails 5.0? I am pretty intrigued by both.

Does anyone know if there is any support for isomorphic Javascript on either platform? Or is that strictly a Node thing?

Edit: just remembered, how does Elixir stand up against JRuby running on the GraalVM? I remember reading about it here in the beginning of this year and was pretty excited to hear about some of the performance gains that the JRuby team was able to make. Here is a video the GraalVM team demonstrating the performance of their work:


Pluralsight have an introduction/overview: https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/meet-elixir

There's a great list on GitHub of various resources, books, libraries etc: https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir

A step-by-step guide to building a website with Elixir & Phoenix: http://phoenix.thefirehoseproject.com/

And a paid introductory course: http://elixirsips.com/