Anyone here with Django and Phoenix experience? Is there any reason to use Django over Phoenix now?

The most compelling reason is probably still the open source ecosystem. There's just a relative plethora of django extensions and plugins that Phoenix (and Elixir) lacks.

I hear this all the time, but what exactly does the elixir ecosystem lack? It's older than the python ecosystem (open source release was much later), although not nearly as popular but since elixir can drop-in erlang libraries as easily as "native" elixir libraries (caveats exist) I'm not sure I find this statement to be nearly as correct relative to how often I hear it stated

And, by my estimate, Django has been around ~9 years longer than Phoenix.

Comparing DjangoPackages[0] and awesome-elixir[1], sure you could say "there's an elixir package for everything", but how battle-tested are they? How well-maintained are they?

If someone is trying to decide between Django and Phoenix, I am not sure how likely it is that the individual would have the necessary Elixir/BEAM experience to be confident in dropping-in erlang libraries.

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