What does HackerNews think of starter?
Opinionated SaaS quick-start with pre-built user account and organization system for full-stack application development in React, Node.js, GraphQL and PostgreSQL. Powered by PostGraphile, TypeScript, Apollo Client, Graphile Worker, Graphile Migrate, GraphQL Code Generator, Ant Design and Next.js
Good starter: https://github.com/graphile/starter
I can add a column the the db, and my frontend gets that autimagically (in dev mode, it generates a graphql schema out of the db, and from that it creates composables for my frontend wiht graphql-codegen). On the frontend I use Vue 3, the starter is build with nextjs/react.
It's highly customisable, works directly with postgresql row levels security and the performance is quite good. It has a custom GraphiQL gui to work on queries/mutations.
To really see how it all works together checkout the starter project: https://github.com/graphile/starter it has migrations, job queue, graphql-codegen etc.
Benjie (https://github.com/benjie) is one of the greatest maintainers I've ever seen!
It’s pretty awesome.
Have you tried it / do you have comparison points? I only poked around in Hasura a bit before deciding it wasn't worth the switching cost atm, but the out of the box upserts are compelling to me.
Both feel kind of limited by forcing you to encode a ton of logic in SQL which must be migrated vs a mongoid model you can just tweak and commit, but I guess I'm old school and what's old is new again.
1. Dividing up tables so that one user can have more than one email address
2. Using PostgreSQL’s “row-level security” system to restrict database results based on the logged in user
3. Dividing tables across multiple schemas for additional security
4. SQL comments for documentation
5. SQL functions for common functionality, such as logging in or verifying an email
It’s a fascinating project, and well worth a look!
Combined with graphql-codegen you can essentially generate react hooks from a Postgres schema. It’s awesome - and all typed if you’re using typescript too