After trying Hasura, Prisma, and PostGraphile, my conclusion is that PostGraphile is way ahead of all this. Please all have a look at PostGraphile, it is amazing, even more than Hasura!

That was my conclusion looking at them both last year. Hasura had an amazing first-time UX, but postgraphile felt like it was built with production concerns in mind (testing, integrating with larger codebases, easy to add custom or wrap generated CRUD resolvers in js/ts). The most off-putting thing to me, at the time, was that Hasura's solution for auth was to spin up a separate auth service. I prefer a flexible monolith for anything with less than 10 devs working on it. Looks like postgraphile has started paying attention to the first-time UX, but still not as friendly as Hasura's:

Both feel kind of limited by forcing you to encode a ton of logic in SQL which must be migrated vs a mongoid model you can just tweak and commit, but I guess I'm old school and what's old is new again.