postgREST is the bomb and, together with svelte, changed my life, productivity wise - no less.
here's a short video explaining how this project can allow a front-end developer unleash PostgreSQL's power without having to write backend code.
If you use this, also take a look at GraphQL, AWS has a hosted GraphQL service called Appsync, and if you look into self hosted you can also use Prisma.
Imagine postgREST with a better query format.
Checkout postgraphile at , they have a whole ecosystem build around postgresql, typescript, graphql.
Just curious, how does it compare to Hasura? Looks pretty similar but without the ui
It's highly customisable, works directly with postgresql row levels security and the performance is quite good. It has a custom GraphiQL gui to work on queries/mutations.
To really see how it all works together checkout the starter project: it has migrations, job queue, graphql-codegen etc.
Benjie ( is one of the greatest maintainers I've ever seen!