Looks pretty cool. What I really want though is a library that let's me write plain SQL queries which are then mapped into nested objects in a smart way without too much manual work (I know Postgres can do JSON stuff, but the queries look pretty complicated for what little they actually do).

Say `SELECT * FROM user LEFT JOIN post ON user.id = post.id` would be mapped to `[{userId: 1, name: renke1, posts: [{postId: 2, title: "foo"]]`.

You probably need some kind of meta data to figure out how tables and thus objects relate to each other though.

Basically, I want to be able to leverage the full power of modern databases without being constrainted by typical ORM limitations. Also, I don't need features like lazy loading, sessions, caches and things like that.

A great advantage is that you can (provided you have some test data) easily test your queries while you develop a new feature (think IntelliJ IDEA where you can simply execute an SQL query on the fly).

We’ve accomplished this with a combination of postgraphile and graphql-codegen. Our setup is basically the same as the postgraphile starter app. [0]

It’s pretty awesome.

[0] https://github.com/graphile/starter