What does HackerNews think of god-mode?

Minor mode for God-like command entering

Language: Emacs Lisp

#7 in Emacs
Reminds me of god-mode: https://github.com/emacsorphanage/god-mode. Although I use Evil, it still comes in handy on occasion when I need to type something without an Evil keybind. Alas, it’s been abandoned, though it still seems to work for me on the rare occasions I need it.
I used to use emacs-evil but found myself having to remember both vim and emacs keybindings. That may be my own fault since I probably wasn't using ALL the settings / extra packages that make vim keybindings work everywhere.

I've since switched to god-mode [0], which just turns emacs keybindings into modal ones. I find it works quite well. I think emacs keybindings are easier to remember but harder to use. Turning them modal solved that for me. (For example, Ctrl + F for forward, Ctrl + B for backward is easy to remember, but hjkl is right by your fingertips).

Side-note, it looks like god-mode was archived and then made part of the emacs orphanage. I started using it years after it was archived before it was part of the emacs orphanage. Noticed no issues, since again all it does is just make emacs keybindings modal.

[0]: https://github.com/emacsorphanage/god-mode

I remap CapsLock to Esc and use that as my toggle key in god-mode: https://github.com/emacsorphanage/god-mode

This makes the Ctrl sticky, thus emulating the modal behavior of vim, but using emacs bindings. It also has some clever escape sequences that let you input complex chords without ever having to press more than one button at a time.

I have gotten so used to it that I have started looking into a way to make a solution that is global across my whole system (Linux). So far I can emulate some of the behaviour using something like kmonad (https://github.com/kmonad/kmonad) although some things like repeated keystrokes cannot easily be expressed using the configuration language and requires a more low-level approach.

I used to use Evil mode and now I use God-mode[1].

Evil is great, but you end up having to know Vim keybindings and some Emacs keybindings since Evil doesn't cover everything.

It certainly can with additional Evil extensions and modifying your .emacs, but I still felt like there were some parts of Emacs where I needed to know Emacs key bindings.

God-mode works since it just makes it so that you can use Emacs keybindings without modifier keys. Everything works out of the box. Best part is that you can install extensions without needing to come up with Evil keybindings for them.

[1] https://github.com/emacsorphanage/god-mode

Your suggestion sounds a little bit like Emacs' god-mode:
